Hakol Holech Achar Hag’mar…
Can you believe it? There are just 37 Blatt left till The Siyum? Yes, the end is near. BUT… this end is not like other endings. This ending is a beginning. When we say those amazing words – Hadran Alach Talmud Bavli – We will return to you Talmud Bavli at The Siyum we demonstrate how the ending of Shas is just another beginning of the next cycle of The Daf.
Klal Yisroel is gearing up for The Siyum. How? Not only are hundreds of thousands around the world participating in The Siyum itself, but they are also gearing up for the end by beginning – beginning to learn, beginning to set up Chaburos and Shiurim, beginning to divide up Shas again and so much more.
Are you ready for the end?
Reserve your seats for The Siyum today. Don’t wait any longer because seats are selling out fast. You cannot risk missing this historic and monumental event that is sure to change yours and your family’s lives.
But, that is not enough. The real way to get ready for the end is by beginning. Begin learning today. If you already learn, learn something more, or review it again, or learn more in depth. Make a goal. Join a shiur or a program. For information and ideas of learning programs, you can join contact the Ki Heim Chayeinu Initiative.
Email [email protected].
And, to reserve your seats to The Siyum now CLICK HERE
Thirteen (as in Shlosh Esray Middos and the 13th Siyum of Daf Yomi) is indeed a lucky number.
We hope and pray that the participation of thousands of Yidden in learning Talmud Bavli together and in this Siyum will bring the Byas Goel Tzedek and the Bais HaMikdash HaShlishi BV”A.
I honestly saw the title and thought it was talking about the current Galus and Mashiach.
The article isn’t too different, though. The best way to bring Mashiach is through learning and achdus.