The Rachmastrivke Rebbe, Rav Chai Yitzchok Isaac Twersky zt”l

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It is with great sadness that reports the petirah of the Rachmastrivka Rebbe of Boro Park, Rav Chai Yitzchok Isaac Twersky zt”l. He was 92.

The rebbe was a son of Rav Yochanan Twersky of Rachmastrivka and a son-in-law of Rav Yaakov Yosef Twersky of Skver.

Rav Chai Yitzchak, born in 1931 into a family steeped in Chassidic tradition, embraced a life of pashtus, humility, and devotion. His spiritual journey, marked by his “Yerushalayimer Yid” way of life, reflected a commitment to both mesorah and meaningful engagement with the world, fusing an incredible personal avodah with constant dedication to the needs and worries of his fellow Yidden. 

The rebbe was born to a distinguished lineage of Chassidic rebbes. His illustrious lineage traces back to the Skverer dynasty and the revered Rav Itzik’l of Skver, his zaide, after whom he was named. He was given the name Chaim after a miraculous recovery from a serious illness as a youth, and that name was shortened to Chai when it was realized that his brother Moshe had also been named Chaim.

The depth of his family’s faith and the connection to their mesorah became a defining aspect of his life.

Growing up in Yerushalayim, Rav Chai Yitzchak found his spiritual mentor in the great gaon Rav Isser Zalman Meltzer at Yeshiva Etz Chaim. His deep love for learning and limud Hatorah blossomed under the guidance of his rebbi. He absorbed the teachings of Rav Isser Zalman and imbibed the ahavas haTorah and yiras Shomayim of his rebbi.

His shidduch was proposed by his rebbe, Rav Aharon of Belz, who redd the shidduch to the future rebbetzin, a daughter of Rav Yaakov Yosef Twersky, Skverer Rebbe.

Rav Chai Yitzchak ultimately left his home in Yerushalayim and journeyed to America, settling in his shver‘s shtetel of Shikun Skver. This marked a significant transition in his life, bringing him to a new world where he would come to play a crucial role in the growth of a community, teaching, guiding, and of course, constantly learning.

In the early 1980s, about 15 years after the petirah of his father-in-law, he assumed the position of Rachmastrivke Rebbe in Boro Park at the insistence of the Machnovka Rebbe. His leadership style emphasized simplicity and humility. He established mosdos to meet the needs of his growing kehillah and became a revered manhig to his Chassidim and to all Yidden who sought his bracha and counsel.

Rav Chai Yitzchak continued the tradition of shared leadership with his brother, Rav Yisrael Mordechai, the Rachmistrivka Rebbe in Yerushalayim. This collaboration demonstrated a unique harmony between brothers, united in their commitment to serving their respective kehillos with humility and devotion.

Known for his simplicity, the rebbe demonstrated his commitment to anavah in various extraordinary ways. He undertook menial tasks, such as taking out the garbage and cleaning, with no airs of entitlement. His selflessness and genuine care for the people around him endeared him to Chassidim and underscored his tzidkus and leadership.

The rebbe left an indelible mark on tens of thousands, and his passing leaves a gaping void in the world of Torah and Chassidus.

Indeed, the world has lost one of its humblest, purest tzaddikim, a man who was happy to be an eved Hashem out of the limelight, but was thrown into a position of leadership and devoted his life to the service of Hashem and others.

The levayah will be held at 4 p.m. at the Rachmastrivke Bais Medrash, located at 1164 45th Street in Boro Park. There will be no hespeidim. 

The levayah will then continue at 6:45 p.m. at Saddle River Road and South Monsey Road in Monsey, NY, followed by kevurah at the Har Sholom Bais Hachaim, located at 44 Hillside Avenue in Airmont, NY.


Yehi zichro boruch.



  1. Erev Rosh Chodesh Elul, when Klal Yisroel says Yom Kippur Koton and starts off the Chodesh of Teshuva, we nebech have the zchus to “Missas Tzadikim Mechaperes”. “Migalgalim zchus al yedai zakai”
    May he be a maylitz yosher on our “am uni v’dal” that is in such a need of yeshuous

  2. Sar Gadol Nafal Beyisroel!!!

    This article forgot to mention his tremendous hasmada. The second someone left his office, he would pull out a gemara, rambam etc. It’s famously known, that Harav Moshe Hess Shlit”a from Beis Hatalmud once had a question on a Rambam, when he saw the Rebbe Zatza”l, he asked him, and he had written on the margin of his Rambam a moiredige teretz. From then on, he used to go to tisch out of respect for the Rebbe.


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