The Torah Tape Legend: Reb Mayer Dovid Apfelbaum z”l

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It is with great sadness that reports the passing of Reb Mayer Dovid Apfelbaum z”l.

Reb Mayer Dovid was the founder of the legendary Torah Tapes Library in Boro Park Library. Tens of thousands of hours of limud haTorah are to his credit, as thousands benefitted from his tape library, especially before the advent of the internet and other technological mediums.

A Holocaust survivor, Reb Mayer Dovid spent his decades after the war rebuilding what was lost, using his time and abilities to spread the devar Hashem, increase limud haTorah, and engage in numerous chassodim. One area in which he was supremely involved was shidduchim, devoting ceaseless efforts to this, especially for older singles. He was zoche to make over 120 shidduchim.

The levayah will be held tomorrow, Sunday, Erev Rosh Hashanah, at 10:15 a.m., at his home, located at 1814 50th Street. It will then continue at 11:45 a.m. at the Floral Park Cemetery, located at 104 Deans Rhode Hall Road in Monmouth Junction, NJ, in the Mattersdorfer chelkah.

Yehi zichro boruch.

{ Newscenter / Photo: Tsemach Glenn}


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