They Don’t Want To Call Off The Wedding. But They Might Have No Choice.

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It was so different this time.

Oriya sat in the dimly lit cafe, watching the cold sheets of rain slap onto the cobblestone ground and the palm trees sway violently in the wind. She wrapped her hands around her steaming mug of coffee, breathing in the warm, cozy feeling. She was sitting with her chosson in a cafe in Yerushalayim, where they had first met only one month prior. Oriya had always made fun of her friends who spoke this way, but after just minutes of speaking with Michoel, she knew deep down that he was her bashert.

Only this time, the numbers on the sheet on the paper in front of them wanted to prove otherwise.

“Let’s see, if we take this tiny studio apartment instead of the 1-bedroom one on Rechov Blau, we’ll be saving over 1,000 shekel per month. And if we only invite only 2 friends each to the wedding, it’ll save us another 3,700. Oh wait, we still haven’t calculated home appliances. And we still need to pay the shadchan. Oh, and the landlord is asking for a security deposit up-front,…leaving us with…with…”

Oriya felt her heart sink to her stomach as she saw the negative number staring right back at her with too many zeros.

What if it was all a mistake?

Oriya was only 11 when her father tragically died from a stroke, leaving her mother to take care of 8 children all on her own. Then, when her mother got sick as well, Oriya practically had to raise herself. Finances had always been minimal in her life, and now that she was trying to get married, she felt the loss of her father and the pain of her mother’s sickness more than ever.

“Yesterday Michoel and I sat down together and tried to work out the numbers…But they just would not add up,” explains Oriya.

“We have no idea how we’re going to do this on our own…Right now, we are totally stuck and on our own. We are so worried for our future together, if it is even possible…”

Yesterday Oriya set up a ChesedFund page with a heartbreaking video where she shared her vulnerable story with the public. If enough funds aren’t raised, the couple may have no choice but to face the painful decision of calling off their wedding. To save a marriage, and help a girl whose parents can’t be there for her when she needs them the most, click here.



  1. No, take that back, they need $50,000….11K is not enough….
    for a wedding….
    not over the top, they want a wedding fancier than Rothschilds.
    These campaigns make me realize why Moshiach hasnt come yet. We are pigs.

  2. You can’t fargin someone to get married and have what they need? Making a wedding cost more than actually paying for the hall. There are gowns, makeup, shaitels, appliances, clothing, an apartment, rent…… it’s not your place to question tzedaka. If you don’t want to give then don’t give but these comments are really not nice!!

    • Because true tzedaka loses to these campaigns. Notice no Rav endorsed this campaign? Instead of teaching our children איזהו עשיר השמח בחלקו , we are teaching them to become shnorrers. Yes raise money for the needy but do so reasonably. When I see campaigns for 50K its ridiculous, I dont know anyone who spends that much or has that much for each child. When this couple have children are they going to crowdfund under the headline “They want to keep their child but they just dont have the funds for even diapers”. I would rather give tzedaka to Yeshivos so they can pay proper stipends. To each their own, but its my right to think raising 50k for a wedding is ridiculous and that no Rav has endorsed this tell me much. THis is just paying for the advertisers.

  3. Send this message to Naftali Bennett.


    I saw that you said that our goal is to hit Iran.


    From east to west
    And from the north to the south, I have made the land the property of Iran.

    Have you ever seen such a property on a world map?

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