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There has rarely been a time when the need for Social Workers was so obvious. Though we would all like to pretend that the myriad issues and crises that exist in the world do not happen in our own community, the reality is that they unfortunately do. We thank Hashem that it isn’t to the extent and severity of the outside environment.   But we are not immune. In the midst of one crisis after another, social workers are on the front lines of helping people cope and to use the tools to live more productive lives. There is no shortage of people who call themselves ‘social workers’, there is a desperate need for legitimate, quality Social Workers who have received top tier training and are ready to step into the field and make a real difference.

The LIU MSW program with The New Seminary is unique in many ways. This is the program that pioneered addressing the needs of the frum community by training top tier social workers in a face to face program of studies. The students come from a broad spectrum of Orthodox Jewry. From Lakewood to Monsey to Monroe to Boro Park to Williamsburgh to Crown Heights to Queens the Five Towns and more, all these students sit together, work together, earn and give the proper respect to each other, and emerge with the knowledge and skills to work with any group or any individual. Through the two years of this program, working side by side with their peers, learning and growing together, they forge deep ties that stand them in good stead as they embark on their professional careers. The lessons they absorb and the excellent interpersonal skills they hone are a direct result of working closely with their peers and their professors in face-to-face classes.

Graduates of this program have gone on to open their own clinics, become directors of various large agencies, and establish successful private licensed practices throughout the United States, Canada, and Israel. Both the Men’s and Women’s cohorts are set up exclusively for the frum community and maintain the university’s high standard and quality.  Enrollment is deliberately limited to maintain a low student to professor ratio.

Fieldwork, which is an essential component of comprehensive training, offers a wide range of placements and opportunities that are carefully matched with each and every individual student’s goals.

On Tuesday, June 9, you can join a virtual information session with the MSW program directors. This session is being held using Zoom [meeting id: 985 5446 8210 and password is: 241448]. The meeting is from 11 a.m. to noon. Come join to find out why this program, with its emphasis on the highest quality instruction, delivered in a face-to-face format works best to help you achieve your goals in the field of Social Work.



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