Thousands of Chareidim in Israeli Army

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According to official figures, the Israeli army drafted 1,222 chareidim in 2019 and 1,193 in 2020.

IDF officials said the actual count was greater, because the army only counts people who learned in certain specified chareidi institutions between the ages of 14–18. If chareidi institutions not on the list are included, this adds an additional 551 drafted chareidim in 2019 and 517 more in 2020.

There was a consistent increase in the number of chareidi recruits between 2008–2014. But the numbers have frozen since 2015, with only about 2,000 enlisting every year. Many of draftees are graduates of the chareidi educational system, but no longer chareidi when they enlist.

{ Israel}


    • See R Dessler’s comments on the thousands who left Europe frum but became un-frum in America. The basic idea is that the people did not really change from who they were beforehand. It’s not a tragedy, just needs R Dessler’s brilliant insight to understand what’s really happening. Mictav MEliyahu Chelek ד

    • 1000000 percent true. As one that is seeing this directly , first hand. I honestly agree with people that say; “if a boy is memeila not doing anything let him go to the army” that ideally sounds amazing and right but, I have to disagree because ever since this became an option. And I’m going back as far as the 70’s; those bachurim that went in with white shirts, black pants and a sefer in their hand. Noone and absolutely noone as proven that you stay chareidi, keep the lifnim meshuras hadin derech hachaim. A direct family member that is my proof; his children also in the yeshiva leumi world. Talmidei chachamim and what not… It is completely normal and I say completely, for the woman do maybe cover their hair with something as thick as a headband. While sleeves used to just about cover elbows they now got a heter to be above. Forget about collar bones covered. Forget about skirts covering knees properly.. all while they’re holding a sefer in their hand. This is already from the frumer ones. Their weddings are full of people and there are many. We go and see the whole gamut of it. This is only one very direct family member and I’m not even talking about extended. Show me one man; just one! that entered the army and came out as he went in hashkafically, halachically and ruchani.. I’m ready to be convinced.

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