TODAY: Remembering the 9/11 Attacks in New York City

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Today marks the 21st anniversary of the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, and the crash of United Airlines Flight 93.

Spectrum News reports on some of the events taking place to honor the nearly 3,000 lives lost in the tragedy. Here are two of them:

9/11 Memorial & Museum Anniversary Commemoration Ceremony

The annual event at the site of the World Trade Center off West and Vesey streets takes place today beginning at 9 a.m. The ceremony is expected to end at noon. Vice President Kamala Harris and Second Gentleman Douglas Emhoff are expected to attend. The ceremony traditionally includes a reading of the victims’ names, as well as moments of silence at the points when the planes struck both towers, when American Airlines Flight 77 struck the Pentagon, when United Airlines Flight 93 crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, and when both towers collapsed.

Tribute in Light

From dusk to dawn tonight, twin beams symbolizing the World Trade Center towers will light up the city’s skyline. The beams reach up to four miles in the sky and are positioned into two 48-foot squares, representing the shape and orientation of the Twin Towers.

Various landmarks throughout the city, including the Empire State Building, One World Trade Center, the LIRR East End Gateway at Penn Station and the Kosciuszko Bridge, will also light up in blue that evening to mark the anniversary of the attacks.



  1. I witnessed the 2nd aeroplane hit the 2nd tower, and this is as fresh on my mind today, as it was 21 years ago.
    Because of אין מערבין אבילות באבילות I have suspended my mourning for the Queen today, since clearly Nothing can ever get in the way of my commemorating the WTC ז”ל

    • “I witnessed the 2nd airplane hit the 2nd tower”

      Oh really? Whatever it was that allegedly hit the second tower was NOT a commercial airplane. I’ve watched every angle of every video that is on the internet and not a single one has any windows on the plane nor is there any logo of United Airlines! The plane that every video shows, is just a dark grey windowless plane. It’s also amazing this alleged plane that you say you saw, was able to slice right thru the entire steel building and come out the other side without the wings breaking off. Simply amazing. Mamesh nifloes haborei. Something definitely happened at the twin towers but they clearly weren’t brought down because of a plane crashing into them. Only a total moron would believe such a fabrication.

    • If you weren’t actually witnessing it while standing there near the WTC, but witnessed it on TV or other media outlets how an airplane supposedly flew into the building, it’s not called witnessing because the BBC UK media also “witnessed it” – but 20 minutes before it happened.

    • You watched an aluminum plane go through steel? Really? Did you watch the controlled demolition, the multiple explosions in the buildings, before the buildings collapsed?

    • “No Evidence of a Plane crashing anywhere near the Pentagon… …there are no large tail sections, wing sections, fuselage, nothing like that anywhere around”

  2. Dear,

    How do you allow these stupid comments denying 9/11?? Are not responsible for allowing this? You personally knew the mother of a victim and saw her on an almost daily basis.

    • Nobody is denying that almost 3,000 people died but it DEFINITELY didn’t happen according to the official narrative. This is what a False Flag means.
      Does it make sense to you that it happened the way they say it – that 2 aluminum planes flew into the top floors of the WTC and it exploded from the bottom up into Ground Zero in 1.5 hours? Does this make sense to you? If yes, you’re not Classless but Clueless.

    • Who is denying that thousands were killed on 9/11? The only question is what really really happened and who was/is responsible for the death and mayhem? If like a gullible lemechel, you believe everything NBC or CNN feeds you, that’s your prerogative. If you believe the Bush family and what Donald Rumsfeld told you, Bracha vihatzlacha. If you would just use a little seichel and analyze what the logic and reality is, you might see things that your beloved government wants you to know. Haven’t you learned anything from all the now debunked mandates during Covid?! The Aibishter gave you a head. Use it.

    • Editor(s) decided to allow the comment section of this site to become a cesspool of trolling, conspiracy theorists, liars, professional disinformation disseminators, as well as violating all halachos of shmiras halashon nonstop. I understand it’s near-impossible to be perfect and different people have different ideas of what’s true, but the free-for-all that’s allowed here is totally incompatible with what a frum site should be.
      That’s not even counting the name-calling and ill-wishes that we often see exchanged between posters here. Rosh Hashanna is two weeks away – oh, well.

      • Are trolls and conspiracy theorists those who did research and are not following govt narrative? Can you show me the halachah where a Jew has to follow the official narrative even if it’s full of baloney?

        How about constructive criticism? What is your problem? What are they lying about? Whom are they speaking lashon hara about? Explain clearly please.

        There can only be 1 truth and if you’re too closed-minded to see the truth, why are you name-calling them trolls, conspiracy theorists, liars, professional disinformation disseminators…?

      • Hey, if you’re so sanctimoniously “concerned”, why don’t you start your own website?
        Btw, I’m mivateir and mochel you for the names you just called us birabim.
        Vinishmartem dictates that you shouldn’t go to Shul this Rosh Hashanah. With polio, Covid, and monkeypox out of control, one must be very very careful and daven biyechidus with a disposable mask on.

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