TRAGIC: Young Boy Struck and Killed By Cement Truck in Yerushalayim

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Tragedy struck the Yerushalayim community today when a 10-year-old boy was struck and killed by a cement truck.

Yoel Dovid Lanao was walking near the Schneller apartment complex in Geulah when he was hit by the vehicle. Emergency responders rushed to the scene, but were unable to revive him.

Yoel’s family had just recently immigrated to Israel from Ukrain, where his parents, Rabbi Daniel and Nechama Lanao, has served as Lubavitcher shluchim in Kiev.

At the time of the accident, Rabbi Lanao was in Cyprus for a hachnosas Sefer Torah. He is presently en route to Eretz Yisroel.

The levayah will take place tonight, followed by kevurah on Har Hazeisim.

Yehi zichro boruch.

{ Israel}


  1. absolutely horrifying and devastating! Iriyat yerushalayim needs to pay for this. I pass that corner every day and I’m amazed at the lack of safety and the endless indifference to a community. This is going on for years; the method of reconstructing this area belongs in the record book for cognitively handicapped road planners. They keep on digging up and covering and digging up and covering; the confusion of which path will lead you to the next light. The bumpy sidewalks which caused a family member of ours to fall and break her shoulder. The idea of having arabs directing us how and where to go without any training and tractors and cement trucks backing up literally into us is wreckless and dangerous. The unfortunate thing is that the concept of suing here is scarce and the iriya doesnt care much about its citizens. A tragic unneeded painful story. May hkb”h help this special family get through this easily…

    • BDE ,
      I Just returned to N.Y. from Israel yesterday. Very sad to experience that all Egged drivers are arabs , they are suicidal, they hate jews and couldn’t care less if anyone gets injured ch’v or killed. I myself was on a bus in Yerushelayim on erev sukkos , driver was an Arab, he made a wild turn up a mountain I flew down with my bags of groceries . They just Do Not Care!!! I was in Terem all you see is a medical team of arab Dr’s. and nurses , I needed stitches on my hand from a deep gash caused by a very sharp new knife, only Hashem knows why the Arab doctor did sutures through my nail. Why do the Haimisha groceries have Arab workers? Don’t tell me cause they are cheap labor , is it worth it to risk even one Jewish life ch’v? When will the country which is populated with so many Yidden כן ירבו come to realization that arabs should NEVER be trusted NMW!!!
      So sad that this poor 10 year old sweet Neshumahla was killed !!!

      • So the medical field in Israel is full of Arab Doctors because there is a shortage of doctors and nurses here. Its been going on for a while; the good thing is the arab nurses and doctors ended up filling for night shift; which noone wants and shabbos or chagim. You’re right, we cant trust them with anything even the most modern irreligious one. All they need is one Alla moment and they can kill the person. It’s a very sad reality. Most of the work force and student body in Israel right now is going towards High Tech; it’s extremely profitable…. sad indeed but even more sad that an erliche yiddish innocent Neshama was the victim of something so wreckless.

  2. THis happened at the top of malchei yisrael-on shamgar-the most dangerous area for a pedestrian nowadays
    someone has got to fix this NOW

  3. BDE
    horrifying and shameful
    we also have to explain our children to look out and stay out of harm’s way, even if that means walking a longer path, even if it’s beyond words that such dangers should be allowed to exist.


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