TRAVESTY OF JUSTICE: Appellate Court Upholds Conviction of Rabbi Osher Eisemann

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An appeals court has upheld all the convictions of Rabbi Osher Eisemann, the founder of the School for Children with Hidden Intelligence (SCHI) in Lakewood, NJ.

Rabbi Eisemann, a renowned baal chesed and tzaddik who was railroaded by overzealous prosecutors, was originally sentenced to two concurrent 2-year probation sentences, with each requiring him to spend sixty days in jail. The prosecutors in the case appealed the decision, sending it to an appellate court, who now ruled against Rabbi Eisemann.

Rabbi Eisemannis known throughout Lakewood and beyond for devoting his life toward the betterment of children with disabilities, and the court’s ruling is a devastating blow to the community.

Rabbi Eisemann will now be sentenced to a prison term that could range from 6-12 years and potentially up to 20 years, r”l.

At the trial last year, Rabbi Eisemann was charged with five counts, including a first-degree charge of taking public funds. After a three-week trial, the jury found him innocent of the primary charges involving public funds, but returned a guilty verdict on two of the second-degree charges that were tacked on to the inducement. The trial judge, after praising Rabbi Eisemann’s unique character, pointing out that the crimes were much less serious than other second-degree crimes, repeating that he was unconvinced that there was evidence of any wrongdoing, and noting that Rabbi Eisemann was crucially needed at SCHI, sentenced Rabbi Eisemann to 60 days in jail, two years of probation, and a $250,000 fine.

Following the sentencing, the prosecutors appealed, asserting that the sentence was too lenient, and pushing for the Appellate Division to mandate a 12-year prison term. Rabbi Eisemann’s attorneys also filed an appeal, challenging the convictions, and pressing the Appellate Division to toss out the guilty verdicts.

In the appeal briefs, the defense team broke down the case, pointing out how the convictions were only secured based on repeated lies by the prosecutor and how the remaining convictions had no grounds once Rabbi Eisemann was found to be innocent of the other three charges. The brief also depicts how there was never any evidence that a crime was committed, or that Rabbi Eisemann was the one who was behind the allegedly illegal transactions.

In addressing the prosecutor’s appeal asking for a prolonged prison term, the defense’s appeal brief asserted that should the convictions be upheld, the probationary sentence should be upheld as well. The lawyers debunked the prosecutor’s claims that Rabbi Eisemann’s case was “ordinary” and that he didn’t qualify for the light sentence, and they reiterated the reasons cited by the judge for the probationary sentence, showing how each reason was justified.

Defense Attorney Lee Vartan, of Chiesa Shahinian & Giantomasi PC, worked tireless on behalf of Rabbi Eisemann.

All are asked to keep Osher ben Chana Frumet in mind in their tefillos.



  1. Ask Trump to Pardon NOW!
    Until there is Prosecutorial Oversight in this Country there will be no Justice and we will continue to see wild abuse of power on all levels of the FBI and US Attorneys Offices. Justice Reform MUST include Limits on prosecutorial power which has run amok. First step should be Ending of stacking (ie. multiplying sentence for many counts of one offense) The Judges show waaay too much deference to prosecutors, how can anyone with a conscience sentence someone to YEARS! in jail for white collar crimes with no financial loss??

  2. These anti Semitic prosecutors go after a tzaddik like him, but let thugs and gangsters roam free! Sick society we are living in! Amazing how the RBSO can change the world on a dime!

    • Good Observation!! I wonder what these wicked prosecutors say about the crimes of Biden’s cronies photocopying single Biden ballots thousands of times and writing up whole new fabricated Biden ballots and hacking into the electronic voting machines and erasing many thousands of President Trump’s votes and switching them to Biden votes??????? Yeah, I just wonder!!

      • If u can just lie like this with no proof then I can lie to Trump was impeached 2xs, cheated on 2 elections, stole millions from supporters and almost destroyed democracy and has set this country back 25 years wait that’s not a lie its the truth

  3. Let’s pull all stops to get Trump to pardon him! We have 20 days to get it done. Lakewood voted over 90% for Trump, one of the highest rates in the country. This case may speak to Trump, we just need the askanim with the right connections to get involved.

  4. this is what the Ribono Shel Olam wants so there must be something that Rabbi Eisemann will accomplish for klal yisroel. Just as we dont understand all the deaths that are happening around the world and all the financial difficulties we are facing and the psychological problems, we who ‘know’ nothing must read over the Rambam’s thirteen ani ma’amins and really, really believe them

  5. Your article does not say what he was sentenced to by the Appeals Court.

    The one that the defense appealed or the one that the prosecution wanted?

  6. The askanim should definitely try to get involved but we can all our elected officials (Republican) who could also ge the balls rolling in a potential presidential pardon.
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  7. Rabboisai, Every time we hear or see such painful and unjust news it should convince us even more how close we are to the geula.. This morning there was a hesped in yerushalayim of a father to his healthy (till a weej ago) daughter age 21. A teacher in one of the Bais Yaakovs in Yerushalayim. She fainted and they discovered a huge growth in her head. This girl became a yasoma of her mother only 10 months ago; her mother who was just 47 yrs old was niftar this past year. When you listen to the hesped of this girls father…. You see a man of galus, a man that is describing exactly where hkb”h has pushed us for own good to get to. A man that spoke about his ahavas hashem and his love to hashem.. You can wonder, how can one with so much tzar do that???? Only because it is Moshiach’s times and all these beyond imaginable happenings, actions and reactions can happen then. Same with Rabbi Eisenman, he is also a symbol of the end of these days; it makes no sense and is so painful. Moshiach is right here…

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