TROUBLING: Report: 1 In 8 Recovered COVID-19 Patients Die Within 5 Months

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Almost one-third of patients who recovered from COVID-19 were readmitted to the hospital within five months and one in eight died, according to a report by Leicester University and the Office for National Statistics in the U.K. Statistics showed that out of 47,780 people who were discharged from the hospital during the first wave of COVID-19, 29.4% returned to the hospital and 12.3% died from COVID-19 related problems.

According to the Daily Mail, many survivors of COVID-19 go on to develop serious health issues such as heart problems, diabetes, and chronic kidney and liver disease. Study author Kamlesh Khunti, a professor of primary care diabetes and vascular Medicine at the University of Leicester, said this was the largest study of its kind to date tracking recovered COVID-19 patients.

“People seem to be going home, getting long-term effects, coming back in, and dying. We see 30% have been readmitted, and that’s a lot of people. The numbers are so large,” he said, according to the Daily Mail.

Read more at NEWSMAX.



  1. I simply can’t understand this! This is maddening! Sheer madness!

    I searched for many hours.
    I’m actually ashamed to admit how many tens of hours of research i did online and also interviewing a few medical professionals.
    (anybody can do the same research i did.)

    This is what i found consistently:

    Every single study that reported results that the so-called “HCQ Protocol” (aka “Zelenko Protocol) did NOT work, shows clearly that they did NOT follow the simple easy instructions of the protocol.
    The directions are easy enough for a child to follow!

    And yet, they usually (idiotically) left out the Zinc. (which is half of the main components of the protocol.)

    Otherwise, in many other cases, they began the protocol after the patient was very sick, days and weeks too late! (ideally, it must begin within 5 days of symptoms.)

    Check this out yourselves. Google around a bit. You’ll find what i found. You’ll see what i saw.

    And conversely, every single study that DID follow the simple instructions, all showed incredible success.
    It’s mind boggling.
    This involved tens of thousands of the most high-risk patients!

    Also, bear in mind, if a person’s doctor is too narrow-minded, or an arrogant fool (or too lazy to do proper research) then HCQ (Hydroxychloroquine) can be obtained by many Telemedicine doctors.

    Alternatively “the supplement “Quercetin” works almost as well as Hydroxy, and is available over-the-counter at ANY VITAMIN SHOP.
    (I even found a brand that combined the Zinc and the Quercetin into single tablets.)
    I myself, and members of my family, have greatly benefitted from the protocol B”H

    What’s more, the Nursing home where i am employed (here in Brooklyn) has implemented the HCQ protocol over 8 months ago.
    We haven’t had a single covid death since then!!!

    Therefore i’m totally perplexed about how this phenomenal cure (yes, CURE!) which stops the virus from replicating and getting out-of-hand, is not widespread?

    It prevents hospitalizations. It prevents deaths. Even for the most vulnerable!
    It prevents the virus from multiplying. It prevents the virus from becoming numerous enough to cause short-term or long term serious problems.
    Typically, the patient will end up only experiencing mild discomfort for around a week, and THAT’S IT! Finished!

    So how come it’s not widely practiced??
    Why is this simple, easy and inexpensive solution not spreading like wildfire??!!
    (Yes, i know i’m being naïve. I am indeed fully aware of the politicization of this therapy.)
    No doubt that a lot of people that are involved in suppressing this information will be going to hell…

    So much needless suffering R”L…

    • I second that. It is really misleading. Especially since most people only read headlines.
      Take a minute to understand what the current headline read: “TROUBLING: Report: 1 In 8 Recovered COVID-19 Patients Die Within 5 Months”
      That would that out of the 20+ million Americans who have tested positive, 2.5 million have died or will die.
      We know that the official (possibly inflated) number is that around 400 thousand people have died in America.
      This head line is ridiculous on its face and should be changed to reflect the article which discusses discharged recovered patients who suffer from complications of COVID such as clotting

  2. Jacob Friedman,
    You are right and I feel the same way. So many were helped by HCQ, but the medical establishment refuses to admit it.
    All I can say is that it’s Min Hashamayim that so many were not treated properly. It reminds me of the story of Rav Michoel Ber Weissmandel A”H (in the Book called the Unheeded Cry) who had a solution to save the Jews in WWII but nobody listened.

  3. Doctors and nurses continuing their murdering of patients as before Pesach HY”D. Now they’re doing it OFFICIALLY via lethal chemicals already in the shots.

  4. These comments contain a shocking amount of disinformation.
    Jacob Friedman makes some astonishing claims, but no proof or documentation.
    My daughter took HCQ daily, by protocol. Her 6 year old son came home from Cheder with Covid (for those who believe children don’t get the disease), and quickly spread it to the rest of the family. My daughter ended up quite ill from it, despite the HCQ.


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