Trump: All States Should Go To Paper Ballots, Same-Day In-Person Voting, Voter ID

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Former President Donald Trump told Breitbart News that all states should ditch voting machines and return solely to paper ballots, in addition to eliminating early voting and instituting voter ID requirements coast to coast.

“Voter ID is very important,” Trump told Breitbart News. “Frankly, going to paper ballots is better than anything you can do — paper ballots. Going to paper ballots. You know, Canada uses paper ballots. I think going to paper ballots would be the best thing if you want to have accurate elections. Countries that do paper ballots — solidly watched paper ballots — those are the ones that work. And stop the mail-in ballots unless it’s for military and overseas or very sick people, people that just can’t vote — and they have to have some kind of a real excuse. I think paper ballots, same-day voting would be great. Those things, you’d straighten out your elections.”

Read more at Breitbart.



  1. President Trump had 4 years to promote this agenda, which he didn’t. Therefore, the choice for 2024 is DeSantis. I’m not voting for Trump again – it’s DeSantis or nothing, and I suspect that there are lots of people who think like me.

    • Agree. Trump had his chance. He promised he would drain the swamp. Instead he only enlarged it. He couldn’t get the Rino’s in Congress to get behind him. He allowed the democrats to beat him up all over the place with investigation after investigation, impeachment after impeachment. Every democrat in Congress has dirt on them and Trump was to cowardly to expose them. He allowed the DNC controlled media to beat him up. He didn’t fire Fauci, with his half a million dollar salary, and now we’re all paying the price. He allowed the corrupt Chris Wray to take the reigns of the FBI. It’s time to move on. Trump was a lifetime Manhattan limousine liberal until he decided to run for President. We can’t allow Trump to become the Hillary Clinton of the Republican party. The RNC has to have some guts and tell Trump, your time is over, otherwise you can kiss the Republican party goodbye forever. There will only be a democrat party and a progressive party. Even the Rino’s will be wiped clean.


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