Trump Bashes FBI For Investigating His Supporters

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President Trump complained on Twitter Sunday night about the FBI investigating videos of a caravan of the president’s supporters surrounding and harassing a Biden campaign bus on a Texas highway Friday.

“In my opinion, these patriots did nothing wrong. Instead, the FBI & Justice should be investigating the terrorists, anarchists, and agitators of ANTIFA, who run around burning down our Democrat run cities and hurting our people!” the president tweeted.

Biden campaign officials say a caravan of vehicles displaying pro-Trump flags surrounded its bus on Interstate 35 in Texas Friday, yelling obscenities and trying to run it off the road.

Read more at The Hill.



  1. Mr. President:

    You have my vote and support. But I disagree just a bit. I support the FBI investigating this incident. And if there was wrongdoing, there should be consequences. Personally, I am not aware of reports documenting anything criminal in nature, and all I see is that your supporters were exercising their First Amendment rights. I expect and hope the investigation yields that conclusion.

    You are correct in noting the distortion of priorities. If Wray is behind this, he may need a different career. I do wish to know why ANTIFA and BLM have not officially designated as domestic terror organizations. They can chant all they want, but as soon as they get violent, they need to be met with lethal force, nothing less.

  2. Trump thinks violence is okay when it is from his own partisans. Note that the Trump endorsed Republican candidate for Governor of Montana was convicted of assaulting a journalist about two years ago.

    Mussolini would be proud.

    • 4:20pm Charlie Hall knows all about Mussolini, being a card carrying democratic socialist-fascist and all. Where do you see “violence”, you lying commie (last time I checked it was perfectly legal to drive anywhere on a public road, next to anyone) – especially if you compare with real blm/pantyfa violence, which Fake Bunch of Idiots are not investigating.

  3. Trump was, & still is, a bully; from the day he ‘saw the light of day’!! And, now that he realizes that he might ‘just lose the election’; so like a little boy, kicking & screaming, he is using any, & all means, to get his way.
    Needs a ‘good spanking’, before being kicked out of the White House. Lol.

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