Trump: ‘Blessed Are the Peacemakers’; I Can End Russia’s War

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Amid the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and amid hints of a possible rebellion by mercenaries in Russia, former President Donald Trump reaffirmed his commitment to resolving the situation through negotiations, casting himself as a “blessed peacemaker.”

“When I was president, the world was stable and calm because America was respected and strong. Now — as we see in Russia and all of these other places — this whole world is on fire,” Trump said Saturday night in Washington, D.C., in a speech that aired live on Newsmax. “This world is on fire.

“Before I even arrived at the Oval Office, I will have the horrible war between Russia and Ukraine totally settled. I’d have it done in 24 hours. I say that, and I would do that. That’s easy compared to some of the things.

“I’d get that done in 24 hours.”

Trump said his past relationships with Russia’s Vladimir Putin and Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelenskyy can get the war ended quickly.

“I know them both,” Trump said.

Speaking to the religious conservative group, Trump hearkened back to the Bible’s scripture.

“As the Bible says, ‘Blessed are the peacemakers,'” Trump said. “I will be your peacemaker.”



  1. The only thing he has to do from the jail cell is pardon himself. he actually just has to think of it and he’s pardoned. while he’s on the toilet!
    by the time he’s finished the guards will have opened the door.

    Let freedom ring


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