Former President Donald Trump asked a question Friday as the country faces a list of growing problems.
“Tragic mess in Afghanistan, a completely open and broken Border, Crime at record levels, oil prices through the roof, inflation rising, and taken advantage of by the entire world–DO YOU MISS ME YET?” Trump said in a statement that was tweeted by his director of communications, Margo Martin.
Challenging issues facing President Joe Biden are escalating.
The president has been criticized for his plan to withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan, though he has said his hands were tied due to the peace deal negotiated between the Trump administration and the Taliban.
However, as the Taliban sweeps across Afghanistan, even The New York Times said “there was still a way to pull out American troops while giving our Afghan partners a better chance to hold the gains we made with them over the last two decades.”
Read more at NEWSMAX.
Trump: ‘Do You Miss Me Yet?’
As someone who voted for him I will answer with a resounding NO!!!
Trump should keep quiet and go away. I prefer his policies over Biden’s but now that he is not in power anyway he is jut this annoying jerk who should go away. He is so annoying that I don’t miss him
I mostly agree with Trump’s policy but not about Afghanistan which was an endless money pit. We did not need to be there. Bin Laden should’ve been taken care of and that’s that, no wars, no people dying, no burning of billions of dollars, all down the drain now. Bush and Rumsfeld were stupid and it took the US until now to pull the troops out as we are now on the verge of economic collapse due to the government stealing 4.5 trillion dollars and needing money desperately, to finally bring this sorry saga to an end.
How can we miss you if you won’t go away?
Hopefully the Republicans will take full control of Congress in 2022.
Trump will NEVER go away! Not until “Achar Meioh V’Esrim”!
Especially now, with the impending Midterm elections. And, even after.
Trump is an Incurable “Nega Tsoraas”!
In 2010, a series of roadside billboards suddenly popped up featuring an image of former President George W. Bush waving his hand and smiling. The caption next to the image read: “MISS ME YET?”.