Trump’s Approval Rises Postelection

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President Donald Trump’s approval rating has improved in the week since the election, up 3% while his disapproval has dropped similarly, Rasmussen Reports said Tuesday.

Fifty-two percent of likely voters approved of Trump’s job performance, up from 49% on Nov. 3, while the number of people disapproving of his job performance dropped to 47%, down from 50%.

Of those approving, 42% strongly approved, while 39% strongly disapproved. Trump’s approval index, the difference between those that strongly approve and strongly disapprove, is the highest its been since Sept. 18, when he was plus-4.

Read more at NEWSMAX.



  1. What kinda nonsense is this? President Trump is already in the lead to continue his 2nd term and hopefully be’ez”H will win all States in a landslide.


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