Tunnel Hiding Hostage’s Bodies Was Under Building Built By UNWRA, With EU Funding

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In news that most certainly will not surprise you, Galei Tzahal military correspondent Doron Kadosh reported that the tunnel where 4 hostage’s bodies were recently found, was located under a building built by UNWRA, with EU funding. Kadosh visited the tunnel in Jabaliya where the bodies of hostages Yitzhak Gelernter, Shani Louk, Amit Buskila, and Ron Benjamin were found.

He recapped what he saw and described how the 98th Division gained control over most of the area. “Hundreds of terrorists were eliminated, and the troops from the 202nd Battalion describe fighting like they never seen before – tougher, against terrorists who they referred to as ‘bold.’ It is a tough nut that they managed to crack.”

Kadosh spoke to the soldiers on the gorund, who told him that they did not have intelligence on the tunnel shaft where they found the bodies. “The soldiers had no information about the shaft. A lot of resourcefulness and sharpness was needed to understand that there was something out of the ordinary there, and enough stubbornness to search,” Kadosh wrote and quoted the Battalion Commander, Maj. Almog, who said they could have easily missed it.

Kadosh says it took several days of fighting and studying the until they found the tunnel and reached the hostages’ bodies. The shaft from where the bodies were extracted looked totally normal. Concrete, a ladder, 10 meters deep.”

He added: “You certainly won’t be surprised to hear that the building where the shaft was was built by UNRWA, with European funding, as the sign on the building reveals.”



  1. Biden: “I’m Tripling Financial Aid to Hamas, So That The Poor Fellas Won’t Be Compelled to Live in Dingy Tunnels and Be Forced To Hide Hostages’ Bodies Underneath UNWRA Buildings!”
    President Biden on Thursday bemoaned “The plight of destitute Hamas fighters who are lacking the basic financial resources to erect normal, everyday living quarters for themselves, and who have, consequently, been forced not only to live in primitive underground tunnels, but to keep the bodies of hostages in these dingy tunnels, underneath UNWRA buidings!”
    “I spoke with Bibi today, and told him that ‘Enough is enough already!’ ” Mr. Biden told reporters on Thursday. “I told him that even terrorists deserve to reside in normal living quarters, and not dust-filled tunnels!”
    “I made it clear to Bibi that he must stop preventing Hamas members from accessing the vast shipments of foreign aid that we’ve been sending them, otherwise the poor fellas will be forced to live the rest of their lives in underground tunnels, and they’ll have no choice but to keep the bodies of hostages in the dingy tunnels, underneath those UNWRA buildings!”
    “Frome hereon,” Mr. Biden added, “the White House will be establishing a direct line of communication with Hamas, and a direct shipping route with them, so we can communicate with them on a daily basis and supply them with the financial means to live above ground in ordinary homes.”
    “When we establish these new lines of communications and shipment routes with them, and when we begin to offer them the financial aid they need to build normal, ordinary homes, instead of underground tunnels,” Mr. Biden asserted, “I’m 100% certain that the Israelis will no longer discover bodies of hostages inside these dingy underground tunnels underneath UNWRA schools, but rather above ground, on ordinary street corners and sidewalks, where bodies of hostages SHOULD be found!”


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