Twitter Middle East News Director Outed As Anti-Semite

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A former Al Jazeera reporter that was recently hired by Twitter to oversee its news coverage of the Middle East and North Africa was forced to issue an apology after her history of anti-Israel tweets resurfaced on social media last week.

Fadah Jassem, a London-based former television producer and editor came under fire after announcing her role as Twitter’s new “Editorial Curation Lead” on the platform. The announcement was accompanied by 17 flag icons representing various countries in the region, with the obvious exception of the trademark blue and white Israeli flag.

Rabbi Abraham Cooper of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in a news release Tuesday addressed Jassem’s appointment, writing, “No TWITTER, a person who erases Israel from the map cannot be Twitter’s Middle East gatekeeper. What’s next? Longtime Twitter user Ayatollah Khamenei on your board? Twitter empowers every anti-Semite by elevating this bigot to censor Middle East news.”

Jassem eventually apologized for the omission, but not before GnasherJew, a UK investigative organization exposed a long history of tweets laden with anti-Semitism and bias against the Jewish State dating back to 2010.

In September of that year, Jasser wrote on Twitter that Israel was “not born” but “dropped like a bomb in the middle of Palestine.” Several other tweets quote Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan – including one that takes issue with U.S. support for Israel. Farrakhan has openly promoted hatred against “the synagogue of Satan” and “Satanic Jews,” as documented by the Anti-Defamation League. In that same year, Jassem refers to Farrakhan as a “great example of faith transcending boundaries.”

Read more at Fox News.



  1. these so-called apologies are totally meaningless. the person who apologizes does not mean it and now he/she has more misery to blame on the jews. ‘hate’ can sometimes be changed by education but never by punishment

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