Two Israelis Say Attacked In Warsaw By Assailants Yelling Anti-Israel Slurs, No One Offers To Help

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Polish police launched a probe into an incident where two Israeli students were allegedly attacked over the weekend of September 6 by Arab passersby outside of a night club in Warsaw.

Israeli local media reported that one of the victims, Yotam Kapshitzky, was hospitalized with a broken nose and an injury to his eye socket after being punched in the face with brass knuckles. He is currently forbidden to leave Poland in fear of brain damage, reported Hebrew-language Channel 12 broadcaster.

His brother, Barak, recalled the incident, telling Channel 12 “Yotam called me from the hospital and told me he and his friend were attacked by Arabs just because they are Israelis. He received painkillers and is still in shock from the whole thing.”

In a Facebook post, Barak called the incident a “terror attack.”

“Not one of the hundreds of Polish bystanders offered help,” Barak said, “not one of them called the police… Poles standing by and watching, as people ‘not of their own’ beat up Jews unconsciously.”

Read more at i24NEWS.



  1. Very smart to go to such a blood filled anti semitic country. Those murderous thug poles. They were any time as bad as the nazis. Speak to any survivor. Yet the anti semitic piece of trash president of anti semitic Poland will rewrite history. Yemach shemo.


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