Unvaccinated Cops Must Wear Masks Or Face Discipline, NYPD Says

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The NYPD will discipline unvaccinated cops who don’t mask up while on the job — regardless if they are indoors or outdoors — as city officials try to prevent a surge of serious coronavirus cases in response to the highly infectious Delta variant, The Post has learned.

The department’s new guidance for masking was shared with the entire police force Tuesday evening in an administrative bulletin that spelled out instructions for officers to provide proof of the vaccination with the NYPD’s Medical Division, according to a copy of the bulletin obtained by The Post.

The move comes as the department has struggled to convince its workforce to get the jab, with only 43% of its uniformed and civilian employees vaccinated as of last month.

“Members who do not have official proof of COVID-19 vaccination on file with the Medical Division must wear a face covering at all times while working, whether indoors or outside, including while driving in Department vehicles,” according to the bulletin.

Read more at NY Post.



  1. A police state within the police state! Now I’ve seen it all. Who allowed a handful of elitist tyrants to rule over us?

  2. Israel’s deal with Pfizer stipulates they may not record death or adverse reactions to the poison for ten years. That’s why Bennett or mengele won’t acknowledge the terrible side effects of the poisonous death shot.

    • Marc 12:26, did you actually follow Fauci’s public statements and daily covid fatalities reports since the beginning of 2020?! If you did, you would discover obvious lies and retroactive data fudging. So, I don’t have enough information to determine whether 7:17 is speaking the truth or not, but it takes an irrationality of a conspiracy-theorist to actually BELIEVE the establishment narrative that covid19 is the bubonic plague of our time and that a asphyxiating yourself with a filthy petri dish will save you from this glorified cold virus.

  3. Pathetic Matzav censorship.
    Those were well thought out comments, and there were no curse words or calls to violence, mind you. Perhaps, it’s time to admit that my words can’t smarten idiots such as you, and I should avoid your website.


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