US Has At Least 7 Coronavirus Strains

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While scientists are keeping a watchful eye on the British and South African variants of the coronavirus, a new study found seven homegrown variants with the same troubling mutation.

According to The New York Times, a team of researchers traced seven variants of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, across several states in the U.S. Their findings, published Sunday, have not been peer reviewed. However, the study highlighted the evolution of different lineages of the virus which could affect its transmission, said the authors. All seven variants have a mutation in the same genetic location.

“There’s clearly something going on with this mutation,” said co-author Dr. Jeremy Kamil, Ph.D., associate professor of microbiology and immunology at Louisiana State University. The scientists say that the suspicious mutation is located in an area where the virus invades human cells, so this discovery could become problematic for the controlling the pandemic.

While viruses are known to genetically evolve, scientists do not know what consequences these mutations will have. Besides being potentially more contagious, they may reinfect those who have already had COVID-19.

Read more at NEWSMAX.



  1. And yet, not a single doctor was able to explain what coronavirus is and how come nobody in the world died from influenza, bronchitis, old age, cancer or anything else in 2020. Now suddenly after they die from the shots, the doctors claim they died from old age, from a new mutation or other bobkess and fools even believe them.


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