Covid-19 vaccines remain highly effective at keeping people alive and out of the hospital, but new U.S. data add further support to the argument that the shots aren’t preventing infections as much as they once did.
Unvaccinated people were about five times more likely to test positive for the virus than the unvaccinated in the week starting Sept. 26, down from about 15 times less likely in May, according to the latest age-adjusted data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which were updated Monday.
The new figures come shortly after the CDC approved booster shots for all adults, and could provide additional support for third doses as the U.S. heads into its traditional winter virus season. Covid-19 cases are rising across many parts of the U.S., including the Midwest and Northeast.
The CDC data isn’t adjusted for time since vaccination. That means that the earliest recipients of the vaccine — mostly senior citizens and those with pre-existing conditions — are possibly at even greater risk.
© 2021 Bloomberg L.P.
It seems there is a typo in the second paragraph.
When has the va ccine prevented any infections? According to funeral homes directors, since the va ccines started in Jan they have almost 10 times more work than last year, the fake covid year, which, according to them, was less work than previous years.
א וו איז די אחריות??
The best vaccination results possible, in order, are:
1) Not to get sick
2) To get sick, but asymptomatically or with just mild symptoms, and fully recovering
3) To get very sick, possibly requiring hospitalization, but surviving
Long-term Covid can also be relatively mild (lingering smell/taste issues) to severe (brain fog, exhaustion, debilitating pain)
As someone who contracted Covid despite being double-vaxxed, I am still grateful to those responsible for the vaccine since my symptoms were relatively mild and I seem to have B”H recovered completely. Can I prove the vaccine was the reason it was mild? No, but comparisons of the virus’s severity in vaxxed vs. unvaxxed are pretty convincing that it’s likely.
Better questions would be:
1. Did your infection come as a result of the shot and
2. On what basis do you believe that your symptoms would have been worse given that many people, pre-vaccine, had little or no symptoms?
Keep your immune system healthy and strong and you’ll be alright. All this political nonsense is not going to save anyone’s life.
Where were you when they “used to”?
If everyone was vaccinated, the rate of prevention would still be strong enough to stop Covid completely.
Oh okay.
According to WHO, it’s just the opposite. They’re already warning that another 700,000 valccinated can get covid by spring. FYI unvaccinated don’t get covid, aka blood clots and heart attacks which is a direct result from the shots.
Anybody that has access to the multiple early-intervention therapies now B”H available, are not in any danger to begin with.
Certainly in less danger than riding in a car.
And that applies to all ages and all health conditions and all strains.
The only “danger” is being under-the-weather for a few days and being stuck at home for around a week.
And especially if the person recovered, and has an adequate amount of natural antibodies.
I do not write this flippantly.
Whoever did their due diligence with proper research, including paying attention to the claims of different doctors and studies, plus keen observation, will come to the same conclusions as i have.
that’s the point you can’t do your due diligence because you aren’t medically trained to know which scientific studies will pan out in reality. the same way their are a ton of halachas we don’t follow anymore doesn’t stop them from being in seforim. do you recommend bypassing poskim and picking and choosing which halachas to follow? is milk and chicken ok now? because you are the greatest halachic mind since Har sinia apparently.
“Vaccines Aren’t Preventing Infections as Much as They Used To”?
My grandpa is always complaining that things aren’t like used to be.
“Pizza don’t taste the way it used to taste”, he says, or, “They don’t make cars the way they used to.”
Things just aren’t the same as they used to be. So I guess he’d readily agree that vaccines aren’t preventing infections as much as they used to.
My grandfather’s vaccine worked just fine. No one he knew contracted COVID.