Vast Majority of Americans Say Facebook Has Made Society Worse

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These results might help explain why Mark Zuckerberg was so eager to rename his business last month. A new poll from CNN shows that over three-quarters of Americans surveyed said they believe Facebook has harmed U.S. society—and half of respondents said they personally know someone who believes in a conspiracy theory because of something they saw on the social network.

The headline poll result showed that an astonishing 76 percent of Americans believe that Facebook has made society worse, with just 11 percent saying that Facebook had improved society. The results also showed that 49 percent of people know someone who they think has fallen for a conspiracy theory because of content they saw on Facebook. The CNN Poll was carried out by SSRS between Nov. 1 through 4, days after Zuckerberg confirmed that Facebook would be rebranded with the new name Meta. Read more at CNN.



  1. In order to access Facebook one needs the internet. The internet is assur and anyone using it is a rasha mirusha and ain lo cheleck liolam habah. At least that’s what my rebbiem told me. We judge people based on the internet. If you use the internet, see above. If you don’t use the internet you will go straight to gan Eden and sit right next to the Borei Olam. All other factors are irrelevant.

  2. They should do another poll to find out how many Americans believe CNN has harmed US society and how many of the respondents personally know someone who believes in a conspiracy theory relating to the right because of something they saw on CNN.

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