Video: My Israel Releases Disturbing Footage of the Har Nof Massacre

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har-nof-attack4[Video below.] The My Israel organization has released a shocking new video following yesterday’s barbaric terrorist attack that killed 4 innocent Yidden and a police officer and injured an additional 8 others.

The video contains graphic images from the scene of the attack in which two Arab residents of Yerushalayim entered the Bnei Torah shul during Shacharis armed with firearms, axes and meat cleavers with the explicit intent of killing and maiming as many Jews as possible.

The images were released by My Israel in protest of the international silence in face of weeks of official incitement from the Palestinian Authority and its president.

Sarah Haetzni-Cohen, My Israel CEO, said, “The video is hard to watch but the horrific images are important for the world to see, as they demonstrate the inhuman cruelty of Palestinian terrorism against innocent Israeli civilians. This cold-blooded murder in a house of worship needs to be seen, to understand the real danger of incitement and Islamist terror. Only people that have been fed pure unadulterated Jew-Hatred would be able to commit such an act. It is time that the world understands that the State of Israel is on the frontlines of the fight against international Islamist terror. ”


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{ Israel News Bureau}


  1. There’s an deep weighed atmosphere from ‘the top’, more earnest, sorrowful,different in quality and with more resolve than other terror attacks

    Gov’t and police have a deepest sense that these niftarim were our people’s creme de la creme.

    More than even
    “Massacres that occur in houses of prayer while wearing Tallis & tefillin & davening and in yeshivos are considered the lowest of the low.”

  2. Our hope and salvation is ONLY from
    The 70 nations have shown this clearly
    Throughout history,
    They know the truth, about Yishmael,
    to guide us through this difficult time

  3. The world does not care! They never did care and they never will care. If 6 million kedoshim were not enough (oh, the world was nice to us for about 60 yrs after the war) nothing will be enough.

  4. We do not need this. I did not watch the video, but the description alone is enough. It is not respect for the kedoshim to parade their blood and bodies for sensationalist journalism. It is forbidden by halacha to use anything from or about a meis for profit, whether financial or otherwise. This is all it is. The nations of the world are not going to be that moved by five murdered people in Israel. The IS is murdering tens of thousands, Mexican police murder students. Taliban murder fellow Muslims. Private citizens all over the world murder each other and fill up the crime news. Only five? To the world it isn’t important.

    Let us remember the niftarim with love and respect, instead of showing bloodied prayer books to stir up anger. The emotion we should be feeling is teshuvah. Forget the politicians and their agendas, and remember the precious neshamas we have lost.

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