Video: Queens Woman Faces Four Year in Prison for Beating Dog

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dog-beating[Video below.] A Queens woman has been caught on video beating her dog with a snow shovel. Maria Aguilar, 36, was arrested and charged with animal cruelty and possession of a weapon, both felonies, after the ASPCA was alerted to the incident February 22 and accusations of prior incidents.

The dog, an 11-month-old English bull dog named Spike, was found to have a hip fracture, a broken leg, three broken teeth and injuries to his ears following the videotaped incident, an ASPCA official said.

Authorities were called to Aguilar’s home Friday following calls about a dog crying.

“One of the witnesses used a camera phone to tape the abuse, also capturing Spike’s howls of pain. Aguilar is seen throwing Spike to the ground and then slamming him with a snow shovel.”

Spike will probably walk with a limp and will be blind in one eye.

Aguilar faces four years in prison.

Click below for a video of the beating (main beating at 54-second mark):

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{1010WINS/Noam Newscenter}


  1. I’m just curious, had she done that to a person would she be facing 4 years or less?

    I don’t condone violence, especially on innocent animals but isn’t 4 years a bit harsh for beating up a dog?

    Btw a professional football quarterback was involved in illegal dog fighting and got 21 months and 2 months home confinement. Overther the dogs were being killed for sport. But of course he got a slap on the wrist because he’s a celebrity and a great athlete. This woman will not fare as well.

  2. it has no value, and just makes one’s heart callous. This reminds me of joy the spanish goyim had in bull-figthing, for shame!

  3. She faces UP TO four years, between possible lack of evidence, good behavior, etc, she will most probably serve MUCH less.

  4. I for one am glad she’s in jail. *You* should not have the beating on your site! And no, I didn’t watch it. It’s bad for the eyes; it is like being part of the brutality.

  5. Didn’t see video, but isn’t 4 years a little extreme for beating a dog? If she killed a person 2nd degree she would have gotten less time in jail. I NOT advocating saar baalay chayim -cruelity to animals, but I think this is EXTREME.

  6. beating the dog was the only thing that she did . she also was arrested and charged with animal cruelty and possession of a weapon, both felonies

  7. You all saying 4 years is extreme look up all the animal abuse cases in NY. There is no 4 years.Thats a could be situation that doesn’t happen . Remember she was lying also,her sentence can get worse if she doesn’t cooperate.I hope she gets 4 years but history is pretty clear.

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