Rav Shaul Alter, the Gerrer rosh yeshiva from Eretz Yisroel, spent Shabbos Parshas Toldos in Boro Park, Brooklyn, where thousands – some estimate as many of 15,000 people – joined him at some point, whether for his tefillos, his tishen or his shiurim.
Rav Alter is currently on a well-publicized trip to the United States, particularly the tri-state area, where he’s seen massive crowds wherever he has gone.
Rav Shaul arrived in the United States on Tuesday morning, welcomed by a large crowd at John F. Kennedy International Airport. He has since visited, Boro Park, Monsey and Lakewood, and has met with admorim, rabbonim, and roshei yeshiva from across the spectrum. He has also met with numerous baalei batim and philanthropists who pledged to help him support his network of mosdos haTorah.
The festivities began Friday afternoon with a packed mincha followed by a short shiur from Rav Shaul’s brother, Rav Daniel, and then maariv. Friday night tish with the rosh yeshiva began at 10 PM; by 10:20, tish organizers had to lock the doors, as the tent simply could not hold any more people without posing a serious security risk.
The rosh yeshiva spoke three times during the tish, with all gathered in the tent hanging on to his every word, despite the difficulty of hearing him because there were no microphones. Zemiros at the Friday night tish, and at the subsequent tishen, were led by R’ Sruly Werdyger and his father, R’ Mendy.
Shabbos morning davening was held at 8:30, with hundreds packed into the shul/tent to catch a glimpse of Rav Shaul as he davened in his usual, fiery fashion. Aliyos were sold for astronomical sums to support the rosh yeshiva’s mosdos and new bais medrash. Most notably, shishi was bought by R’ Pinchos Yeret for the rosh yeshiva for the whopping sum of $1 million.
The following are photos and videos from over Friday and Shabbos:

Is the niggun from 1st video clip a gerer one?
May I donate ?
I can’t call myself super-religious, but I have a creepy and disturbing reaction to video made on Shabbos. At the very least it should be like food cooked B’Meizid on Shabbos.
I am long past chumros on Shabbos, but this seems like a serious debasement,IMHO
Video was made after Shabbos, seudah shlishis went on long after the zman. Havdalah was maybe like ninety minutes after 72 post shkiah (circa 8:30PM) . Many people came from elsewhere after they had already finished Shabbos but tisch was still going on.
Calm down. Owning a smartphone is a thousand times worse. Anyone that owns a smartphone (filtered or not) is a muschus and mituref and has no chelek in olam haba.
The vidio was not done on Shabbos , all vidios were after Shabbos finished
Disgusting. You must be on Joe Judge’s coaching staff and the source of the headphone belly-aching. You don’t know the difference between Shabbos day and Motzei Shabbos? Obviously not. How do you wear your collar?
All of the videos are after the Zman (time) whwen one can already use electronic equipment.
It was after rabanu tam
Nothing was recorded on Shabbos. As soon as shabbos was over they took out mikes and cameras.
its from after shabbos
please be informed : the videos were not taken until it was seventy two minutes after sunset which by all definitions is completely after shabbos.
All pictures and videos were tooken
Motzei Shabbos after ר”ת zman
To rebc this video was taken on motzoai Shabbos
Video is from motzei shabbos
rebc, post #5, it was made well after Shabbos had ended – well after Rabbeinu Tam’s z’man of 72 minutes after Shkiya only they kept going much longer. Sruly Werdiger and his father sang over the mic and the Rosh Yeshiva spoke Divrei Torah over the mic system too, I think.