Vladimir Putin Issues Pesach Message to Russian Jews

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On the eve of the Yom Tov of Pesach, Russian President Vladimir Putin sent a letter to the Jews of Russia through the Chief Rabbi of Russia, Rabbi Berel Lazar.

“This ancient holiday,” he writes, “held in special reverence by followers of Judaism, dates back to important historical events, and refers believers to the centuries-old religious and cultural traditions of the Jewish people who have carefully passed them down through the generations.

Putin added, “With satisfaction, I would like to note the significant creative contribution of Jewish organizations to the development of our country, to strengthening the spiritual and moral foundations of our society and cultivating a fruitful inter-ethnic and inter-faith dialogue. And of course, the Russian Jewish community is actively involved in educational and charity work, the upbringing of young people and addressing topical social issues. This incredibly multidimensional and important work deserves deep and sincere recognition.”

Putin penned this letter as he continues to battle Ukraine in a war that has displaced millions of people, has killed thousands, and has uprooted the Jewish community in Ukraine.



  1. “Putin penned this letter as he continues to battle Ukraine in a war that has displaced millions of people, has killed thousands, and has uprooted the Jewish community in Ukraine.”

    His war on Ukraine is irrelevant to his support of Jews in his country; he happens to be the greatest supporter of Torah in the world. He also has spoken out against all the progressive toeiva in the West.

    Whatever your opinion of his war there, it is silly to imply that his message is in any way hypocritical.

    • The media is threatened with their lives if they won’t add the war lies. Chabad in Russia are well aware what Putin is taking care of in Ukraine.

  2. Putin is, and has always been, an oheiv yisroel. Regardless of what your opinion is, after reading and believing fake news, the Yidden in Russia have a friend in power. It’s been a long galus. Let’s be maker Tov to the leaders who are kind to us.

  3. Ukraine is getting what they deserve. Their hatred if Jews is unparalleled so Gid is finally taking revenge on those pieces of garbage

  4. it is truly sad that matzav and all other jewish media outlets are influenced by the liberal kfira hashkafa media of today and have lost all capabilities of thinking on their own (not to mention zero daas torah)

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