Watch: A Walk-Through At The New High-End Lamppost Bistro, Bar And Lounge Coming To Toms River, NJ

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  1. I doubt if this is what Rav Aharon Kutler זצ”ל had in mind for the Kollel Yurgerleit when he started the Yeshiva.

  2. It hurts to see how little we have learned to care about the feelings of Hashem. This is not in line with the tragedies that we experienced this year.

  3. I know the owner, Motty, personally. (I’m a relative.)
    He is a super-nice guy, and all-in-all a true Ehrelecheh Yid.
    (OK, so i’m biased… But it’s really true!)

    The one “Miidah” (character trait) of his that may benefit the patrons of this establishment is that he’s a bit of a perfectionist.
    Whenever he can, he won’t settle for 2nd-rate.
    I’m guessing that this will be reflected in the food and service his Bistro will provide B’ezras Hashem.

  4. What a bunch of stupid comments.
    What a bunch of sour-grapes!

    So we had some difficult years, so the Ribbono-shel-Olam granted us a place to regain some equilibrium in Gashmiyus as well.
    (Nobody from Lakewood is expected to eat supper here every night!)

    And i reckon Reb Aaron Z”L would say it’s a good place for Shidduch-dates.

    The bottom line is that the availability of such a place is a benefit.
    For some people it’s a great alternative.

    Hashem does NOT want us to be in a constant state of gloom.
    Hashem does not want us to remain sullen and morose.

    And you narrow-minded people that are self-deluded into thinking you’re at the proper level of Frumkeit, did you also think twice before hurting a Frum Yid’s Parnassah??!
    All he did was open a Kosher establishment.

  5. So many dumb comments.
    How on earth is this less “Frum” than an ordinary Pizza shop???

    If you can’t afford to patronize this kosher establishment, at least try to “Fahrgin” those that can treat themselves once in a while.

    When was the last time you learned Seffer Shmiras Ha’Loshon??
    When was the last time you cracked open a “Messillas Yeshorim”??!

  6. p.s.
    I happen to be aware that this place was already planned, and heavily invested in, long before covid-19 hit.

    Come to think of it, this restaurant may be a good to come and get cheered up.

    (Of course, a Blatt Gemurah is the best “Cheering up”. But, according to many Balei-Mussar, we frequently need a Gashmiyus’dig cheering-up stimuli as well.

  7. I live in Flatbush so this eatery is not nogia to me but I wish the owner and all the Yidden that will be employed over there tremendous hatzlacha! They should make parnasa mimaleh miderech hateva! May all of Kllal Yisroel have a kisiva vichasima tova!

  8. Exactly what the ribono shel plan wants from us, he sends covid, meron, stolen, Surfside and car accidents, machlahs, and the answer to it all? A high end steak house.

    • Another ‘genius’ comment by “Anonymous”
      “Exactly what the ribono shel plan wants from us, he sends covid, meron, stolen, Surfside and car accidents, machlahs, and the answer to it all? A high end steak house.”

      Uhmm… Tshuvah and Torah and Maasim-Tovim and a steak-house is not mutually exclusive.

      I know a place that opened selling chandeliers. Can you believe it?!
      What’s wrong with a plain light-bulb??!
      After all the Tzoros, is THAT what HKB”H wants?? Is that the “answer to it all??!!
      Not to mention, that there are stores in Lakewood that sell shoes some of which cost over 200 bucks!!!
      Does that bother you too???!!!
      (My shoes cost around 65$)

    • And if there were no steak then meron wouldn’t have happened? Come on man’ gimme a break.
      We don’t know why HKB”H does things, if you feel that your avoda is to avoid good steak, kol hakavod.

      I think that taking my hard working wife out to eat, an excellent meal, means that she is in a better emotional state to deal with the beginning-of-the-school-year stresses. And happy wife is happy life. and happy home is the best way to raise yirei shomayim kids.

  9. I live in Flatbush so this eatery is not nogia to me but I wish the owner and all the Yidden that will be employed over there tremendous hatzlacha! They should make parnasa mimaleh miderech hateva! May all of Kllal Yisroel have a kisiva vichasima tova!

    From an everything goes guy the end always justifies the means especially for parnooosa

  10. First of all, R Aron was a true godol, and he knew better than those posting here, when he built Lakewood. His rules weren’t made for yehupitz and neither for TR or Jackson. The closed minded, in-the-box commenters, should go back into their wormhole and mind your eer hatorah stupidity, there.
    More importantly, R Aron had a vision regarding the growth of what is known today as ‘Yiddishfight’ in Likeweed. R Arin, was adamant that all yes ALL mosdos hachinuch in LW should only teach in Yiddish and not have limudie chol. The eiruv on the 9 IN LAKEWOOD, placing Jewish mother’s into the workplace as breadwinners, and teaching chumash to BY girls, were important to him but not as important as having Yiddish only mosdos hachinuch. The restaurants in TR were definitely not part of his EERy hatorah vision. Neither should it be yours!
    If your’e even a bit concerned about the kovod of R Aron and the village of torieh he founded, put your nose into your own shmurz and get started with the years of long cleanup work, in front of you. Start with some ahavas hashem and ahavas yisroel, then Clean up your mosdos in LW first before shpritzing your empty machahovos to anyone else, especially if they’re not in your neck of the hood.
    Before you start telling me about the current leadership and how holy the place is, who’s smartphone did you use to post your comment?

  11. Nope, Mr. Anonymous.
    What the Ribono-shel-olum wants from you, after all the Tzoros, is that you should indulge in a double-cheese pizza, while contemplating how narrow-minded you’ve become.
    (And incapable of being Dahn-L’kaf-Zchus.)

    Do you really think a pizza or a frank with mustard is more beloved in the eyes of Hashem?

    If you’re worried about the extra cost, then you should stick to bread, butter and water. (and some beans, for protein.)
    On your birthday, you may also treat yourself to a plain yogurt.

    What Hashem really wants from all of us is to wish our fellow Jews Parnassah B’revach.
    (There is a need for such an establishment too.)
    As long as nobody is Oiyver any Issur, and the Jewish patrons say the appropriate Bruchos before and after, and there should be many Simchos there too!

    If you don’t do Tshuvah, perhaps your punishment will be that you will never be invited to a Shevah-Brochos at the LampPost…

  12. In Kelm and Slabodka they passed out when the word Elul was mentioned. In 2021 Tom’s River, Elul is a time to open a high end steak house and bar.

    • “Anonymous” continues to amaze me with his foolish comments and senseless comparisons.

      So you’re saying that all pizza shops and restaurants should be closed down from Rosh-Chodesh Ellul until after Yom-Kippur??!

      Gobbling a pizza in Ellul is just as holy as a well-done steak.

      Also, FYI, I heard that the Lamppost is opening with limited availability during Ellul.
      For business purposes it’s open only for certain business practices.
      And it will also be closed on Chol-Ha’Moed.

    • You got your way it wont open in Elul!
      Now that you feel better, go in buy something HKB”H made for us to eat. just make you brocha loud enough for the next table to answer Amien.
      And don’t forget a noch brocha…….

  13. A few Points here:
    1.Nobody is being forced to go, but if you need to take your wife for Shalom Bayis, this will definitely score points. A happy home means happy Kids, and happy kids are erlicha kids. so rather then shlep to manhatten ( in the triefa atmosphere ) go to this place, a walk in the nearby waterfront park will round out a “kosher” night out without the tznius issues in Manhattan.
    2. I know the owner, he is a DafYomi Jew, a quiet eidel soft spoken baal midos. Spends a lot of time on Shabbos learning. A family man who really cares. For those afraid of Hechsharim scandals, you can be sure it will NEVER happen here.
    3. Whats wrong with eating good food? You think your Creator didn’t place colors and tastes in food on purpose? Listen Rav Avigdor Miller on the colors and textures of food, the Bashefer wants us to enjoy food. mishna in Yerushalmi perek 4 last mishna רבי חזקיה ר’ כהן בשם רב עתיד אדם ליתן דין וחשבון על כל שראת עינו ולא אכל. ר’ לעזר חשש להדא שמועתא ומצמיח ליה פריטין ואכיל בהון מכל מילה חדא בשתא: Just make sure to make your brachos with kavana.

  14. I will not be dining in this restaurant. I a not a big fan of the jews. No offense but I like my American restaurants. I wish you luck but I don’t think you are going to last.


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