US Investigating Possible Heart Issues Caused By Moderna Vaccine

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Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine for adolescents has yet to be authorized by federal health officials in part because they are investigating emerging reports that the shots may be associated with a higher risk of a heart condition in younger adults than previously believed, according to two people familiar with the review who emphasized the side effect still probably remains very uncommon.

The investigation, which involves the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is focusing on Canadian data that suggests the Moderna vaccine may carry a higher risk of myocarditis for young people than the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, especially for males below the age of 30 or so. The authorities also are scrutinizing data from the United States to try to determine whether there is evidence of an increased risk from Moderna in the U.S. population for the condition, which causes inflammation of the heart.

Moderna asked the FDA on June 10 to expand the emergency use of its coronavirus vaccine to adolescents between the ages of 12 and 17, but the agency has not yet granted the request. Pfizer’s vaccine was authorized for 12- to 15-year-olds May 10, about a month after the company applied.

Read more at Washington Post.



  1. |Possible” heart issues when even young children are dying from heart attacks and blood clots, let alone adults. Dr. Zelenko, may he have a refuah shelemah, is 100% right.

  2. This whole scam is like dentists giving out free candy to drum up business or tire shops throwing nails on streets to get more flat tires. It looks like drug companies paid off politicians,doctors,news media,local organizations,hospitals to increase death through starving patients to death and then step in like hero’s to offer their vaccines. Corruption runs big even here in America. Elections stolen. No need for Id to vote but need Id for buying Challas in bakery. Serious charges for those who marched into congress but zero charges for those looters who burnt down police stations. Something does not add up.


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