Watch: An Eerie Connection Between Today’s Daf Yomi and Today’s Date

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An Eerie Connection between the Daf and Today’s Date by Sruly Bornstein:





  1. The reason that the Rosh did not mention anything about half of the world below the equator, is, because in the time of the Rishonim, they still did not know about this differential between above and below the equator. They were under the impression that when it becomes winter, it is winter for the the whole world, and when it turns night it is night for the entire world, no time zones.

  2. The problem is, today is NOT Nov 22. The Beis Yosef is talking about the Julian Calendar, on the Julian Calendar today is November 9. Which is why we do not start saying Vesein Tal umatar, since the Beis Yosef is Not talkign about today

    Nov 22 on the Julian Calendar (the Date the Beis Yosef mentions) is Dec 5, which is the day we start saying vesein tal umatar (we start the night before on Dec 4).

    Regardless, it should be obvious the date mentioned by the Beis Yosef is NOT today

  3. The Maharil writes that we start saying ותן טל ומטר on the 22nd* day in
    November and the siman is בך יבורך ישראל which equals 22

    The Mahril (1365-1427) had the Julian calendar. 60 days from the Tekufah** was November 22.

    In 1582 the Gregorian calendar was Introduced.60 days from the Tekufah
    is Dec.4. (until year 2100 then it will be on Dec.5)***

    *The Abudraham mentions the 22nd & 23d (leap year)

    **Solar year divided by 4 (Tekufos)
    =91days, 7 hours + x minutes

    ***every 100 years it keeps moving up by
    a day, except for a century that is divisible
    by 400 example 2,000 (in the year 2000
    we didn’t move to the 5th

  4. Great Shiur but I do not believe the explanation at the end is correct.

    The Gregorian calendar was created because the original Julian calendar used a standard revolution of the sun around the earth as 365 days and a quarter (hence, the additional day in February to offset the quarter day every four years). Actually, the sun revolves around the earth (or the earth around the sun-that issue is not relevant for this discussion) a few minutes LESS THAN 365 days and a quarter. Therefore, every few hundred years an EXTRA day was creeping into the calendar and the Spring equinox was falling LATER in date (and the Fall equinox etc.) than it was actually occurring astronomically. Therefore, the non-Jewish holiday in the spring was occurring AFTER the Spring season. It has nothing at all to do with our leap year which ADDS in days and not take them out! The problem was resolved by REMOVING extra days and instituting that going forward every four hundred years, three “Feb 29” are REMOVED from the calendar. In truth, OUR JEWISH calendar suffers from the SAME problem. We base our calculations on “Tekufas Shemuel” which also views the revolution of the sun around the earth as being 365 days and a quarter. “Tekufas Rav Ada” understood that this was not the case and the actual revolution is SHORTER than that by a few minutes. L’havdil Bein Kodesh L’chol-the Julian calendar aligns with Shemuel while the present calendar aligns with Rav Ada’s understanding of the revolution of the sun around the earth. (See Rambam Hilchos Kiddush Hachodesh Perek 9) We keep December 5 because for all matters we follow Tekufas Shemuel. But, the truth is our calendar has the SAME PROBLEM. If the world would continue for many more thousands of years (and Moshiach will IYH come way before!) we would find ourselves celebrating Pesach in June! and so on for all the holidays. So-it was a great shiur but just wanted to point out how we get to where we are today.

    December 5 is sixty days after the Fall equinox according to Tekufas Shemuel which happens to correspond to the Julian Calendar.

    If the maggid shiur would like to contact me I can be reached at the email below.

    BTW-the Rishonim certainly DID KNOW about the equator! See Ramban, Sha’ar Hagemul chapter 50.

    • The magid shiur isn’t responding to you. If you have a question, go to and submit it that way.

    • The biggest one is this “In truth, OUR JEWISH calendar suffers from the SAME problem. We base our calculations on “Tekufas Shemuel” which also views the revolution of the sun around the earth as being 365 days and a quarter.”

      The calendar is NOT based on Tekufas shmuel (year is 365.25 days) rather it is based on that of Rav Ada (year 365.24682 days). (Vesein Tal umatar and birkas hacham ARE based on Tekufas Shmuel, but the calendar is not) .

      Now you are still right that “If the world would continue for many more thousands of years (and Moshiach will IYH come way before!) we would find ourselves celebrating Pesach in June! ”
      Because Tekufas Rav ADA (year 365.24682 days) is still a bit longer than a tropical year 365.2422, so yes PEsach is sliding forward by a rate of about 1 day in 216 years (as opposed to the less accurate one of Tekufas Shmuel in which day slides forward every 128 days )

      In contrast the Gregorian Calendar uses a year = 365.24250 days whcih still moves forward at about 1 day every 3323 years

  5. To DG
    The Ramban and later Rishonim did know about the Equator, just like he knew that the Moon does not have its own light. But Rashi, Tosfos and those that were before the Baal Hamoer did not know any of this. See Rashi R”H 24a, that at night the sun travels above a non-transparent sky leaving us in the dark, while at the same time the moon is right above us shining down at us. No-where is time zones mentioned. The Eclipse is just random due to certain Aveiros.

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