Watch: Doctor Questions: What if Distancing and Masks Don’t Really Work?

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    • Agree with Yisroel. The doctor may be correct. may. But the fact that he calls out “what if blah blah blah” to enthusiastic applause leads me to believe that this isnt some serious research work being done by a proffessional. Its a show. And i wonder if the dude is even a doctor. He may just be an actor. May.

  1. I can’t believe Fake News allowed the Truth made public. What’s the percentage of Matzav’s sheeple agreeing with him?

    Scientist Judy Mikovits PhD SLAMS Dr. Anthony Fauci & Deborah Birx EXPOSES Medical Corruption
    A compelling testimony by Dr Judy Mikovits exposing Dr Fauci and his Plandemic co-conspirators as brutal and heartless profiteers who are quite literally responsible for the death of millions.

  2. Just take your stinken flu shot and you’ll live forever. All those that contracted the Coronavirus, caught it because they refused to get vaccinated. Wicked evil rodfim and rotzchim.

  3. I was once in a SEFORIM store in Boro Park and to my surprise in the used SEFORIM are I found a bound copy of the “Tshiva” written by the JTS why driving to temple on Shabbos was mutar. It took about two minutes to see that their “peak” was pure nonsense. One could understand how an uneducated Jew could fall for it after all there were lots of Rabbis quoting all sorts of sources but any one of us would know immediately that it was nonsense. As an MD listing with a critical ear it doesn’t take long to see that this fellow is spouting nonsense. Problem is, just like that “psak Halacha” from JTS, People who don’t know better can ne taken in. BH we have So many doctors that are Bnei Torah, Why on earth wouldn’t Matzav check with a reliable doctor before they put on nonsense like this that can lead to tragedy. It breaks my heart.

  4. There is no way to know if you need a mask or not it’s a question if you value your life and other people’s lives pikuach nefesh is a middoraysa I’d rather look like a fool with a mask on then be oiver on a middoraysa it’s a simple thing to do put on mask you might be saving someone’s life or maybe your own

  5. I cant believe my Jewish brothers buy the media lies. Ofcourse it doesn’t work.stupid Cuomo said most that get it are those sitting home

  6. The man spoke the complete truth. This “quarantine” doesn’t save anyone from covid19, while resulting in destroying people’s lives and long term health. The only problem was the presentation – too much hype and screams of approval. Would probably sounds more professional if spoken without too much emotions and in a doctor office setting.

  7. There are many doctors who believe that social distancing does not make a difference and that this virus is no worse than a bad flu season. The truth will eventually come out because it always does.
    The question is how many more rights will be taken away from us before the truth comes out…and how many people will be injured by a rushed to market vaccine THAT HAS NOT BEEN ADEQUATELY STUDIED IN THE CHILD POPULATION.

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