Watch: Former NY Assemblyman Dov Hikind Issues Strong Statement On Coronavirus Rules

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  1. Mr. Hikind is, of course, referring to those who are not keeping the rules of social distancing. Thank you, Mr. Hikind. May the force be with you.

    • so to mr yiddisher yid, the term “may the force be with you’ taken from star wars, is actually a christian term and is complete avoda zarah, the entire movie is based on christianity, ok for them, but A”Z for you. so being that your a yiddisher yid, i thought you may like to know that.

  2. Why the disrespectful headline? Here is someone who is making a passionate plea for public safety and you have to degrade him in public! Shame shame on you Matzav!

    • I don’t know where you live but in the heart of Boro Park last night the police came and closed a shul. This particular shul which also has a mikvah was brazenly open. Youngerleit were standing around outside close to each other chatting for a long time after davening. In other words they behaved as if there was no Corona. I know this for a fact because I live across the street from the shul. I saw and heard it all.

    • Except for the shul that is still open on my block. I don’t think they had an official minyon but I’m almost certain the mikva was open on Shabbos. Then you had two private minyanim. I saw an elderly man wrapped in his raincoat going to one of them. Then there is a house under renovation so someone used it for a sheva brochos I counted over 20 people exiting after the Shabbos sudah. I think there are two problems here. Many in or community don’t have internet, don’t listen to the radio. Don’t buy newspapers Many are still clueless about how dangerous these minyanim, or how serious the situation is. Second, many in our community don’t have a rov to guide them in such situations. They have a local rov to ask shalos, but this isn’t Asai lecha rav. They daven shachris in one minyan, Mincha in a second Marriv in a third. On Shabbos, they daven on Friday night and Shalosh sudas in the local shtible.

  3. This headline is extremely distasteful to say the least. At a time like this, where hospitals are using makeshift morgues, where funeral homes can’t cope with the amount of bodies! The only thing this headline is doing is downplaying this plague. Yes people are dying. Shame on matzav for downplaying rather than encouraging more safety measures. Perhaps we could save some peoples lives!

  4. Mr Hikind,

    Why are you blaming the shuls and mikvas and not blaming the people shopping in stores. Are the risks of going into a store any less?

  5. I’ll say it again what I said above. I saw this video. I have internet. I was able to hear Mr. Hikinds plea but my neighbor who does not have internet is still clueless. Hatzaloh, Shomrim, Shmira, chaverim should be going door to door telling people how serious the problem is. I wouldn’t call 311 on my neighbor but if Hatzala or Shomrim had a hotline I would call them. I know they can’t be the policemen but they have the resources to get the message out.

  6. Dov,

    Thank you for giving some sechel to some in our community….

    Keep up your great work..

    Chag Kosher V’ Someach….

  7. Dov is the son of a Vizhnitzer Hasid, and learned in Vizhnitz and Belz in his youth before moving over to YTV. He also was a talmid of R. Meir David Kahane Hy”d, who was of Sanzer Hasidic roots.

  8. Sammy: I guess I was just too Yiddish to know that. I thank you for your educational post and for keeping me away from a”z.
    (by the way, a”z not okay for them either)

    May the Eibishter be with you!

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