Watch: Hillary Clinton Asked Point Blank: ‘Are You Open To Running For President Again?’

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Despite rumblings to the contrary in certain corners, former Secretary of State and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton does not plan on running for president again. In fact, when asked on “Morning Joe” if she’d be open to running, Clinton quite literally laughed out loud, The Wrap reports.

Clinton appeared on the MSNBC program in conjunction with winning the Forbes International Women’s Day Lifetime Achievement Award, and towards the end of the conversation co-host Mika Brzezinski asked if Clinton would be open to running for president again sometime in the future.

The former senator laughed and replied, “Well no. But I am certainly going to be active in supporting women running for office and other candidates who I think should be re-elected or elected, both women and men, because I think there’s a bit debate going on, as you know so well Mika, in our country but in other countries as well, about the future of democracy, of economic opportunity, of climate change, of health and other important issues. So I will stay active in all of those debates.” The Wrap



  1. Hillary cackles when she wants to avoid answering. The “laugh” is not an answer either direction. In reality, she would be smart to stay away from campaigning. There is such a huge heap of schmutz on her, as a candidate campaigning and other issues that she would be once again tried in the court of popular opinion. Sure, there are those who might vote for her because of her gender, or out of unexplained loyalty. But she has never had what to offer, and she has not developed other assets in the past several years. I personally wish her not well, and the sooner she retires from exposure to the public, the better off we will all be.

    • Hillary has B”H been taken care of exactly 3 years ago, Feb 28, 2019, together with her husband, thanks to President Trump’s military.

  2. Even if she would have openly said that she won’t run again, and signed a sworn statement to that effect, I still do not believe a single word of that woman.
    In preparation for her possible/probable campaign, everyone should have a “Run Hillary, Run” sticker on the FRONT bumper, and hope that she takes the bait.


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