WATCH: Israeli Police Illegally Shut Down Dikman Brothers’ Live Hallel, Get Lambasted

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Israel Police illegally broke into an apartment in Bnei Brak today to halt a live musical Hallel program being conducted by musicians Yoili and Ruli Dikman being broadcast live online.

A total of four people were present, well within the social distancing guidelines, yet officers climbed from the street to the apartment to break into the home and unplug the sound system to the shock of the Dikman brothers.

The mayor of Bnei Brak, Avrohom Rubenstein, and other askanim and politicians have lambasted the police for their reckless behavior.


{ Israel}


  1. Why is there no mention of the police version of of events? The police version is that they were responding to noise complaints. (And it seems from these videos that no one answered the door when the police knocked.)

  2. Police version doesn’t matter. They entered without a warrant. I’m not saying it’s okay to blast your music around the neighborhood just because you think it’s a nice idea, but they can’t break and enter…

  3. This is the reason some countries are careful not to make to many restrictions so they don’t get to a situation where they infringe on the basic rights and democracy of their pple. This is a story that is not going to go away. It was livestreamed by a popular radio show with permission. everything about what seems to have unfolded looked communistic. THey also started up with the wrong pple cus these two guys are fire star power in israel.a

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