Another abused employee finally had enough and decided to take revenge for all the hurt and pain he had to endure, all for minimum wage. I’m not condoning what he’s done but I can certainly understand the pain and suffering he must of been enduring. This should be a message and wake up call to all tyrant bosses who think they can treat their employees like worthless shish just to pad their own pockets. Yes that includes heimishe bosses as well. Any retail job is dead-end burn-out and apparently that is exactly what happened here. My prayers are with the victims.
Another abused employee finally had enough and decided to take revenge for all the hurt and pain he had to endure, all for minimum wage. I’m not condoning what he’s done but I can certainly understand the pain and suffering he must of been enduring. This should be a message and wake up call to all tyrant bosses who think they can treat their employees like worthless shish just to pad their own pockets. Yes that includes heimishe bosses as well. Any retail job is dead-end burn-out and apparently that is exactly what happened here. My prayers are with the victims.
Adverse reaction from the jab.