Watch: Nadler Says “Anti-Zionism Is Not Anti-Semitism,” Invokes Satmar Chassidim

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A group of Jewish House members introduced a resolution that condemns a rise in anti-Semitism and calls for implementation the Biden administration’s national strategy to counter anti-Semitism.

The new House resolution clearly and firmly states that “anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism.” This comes after a previous resolution hinted at that claim.

Rep. Jerrold Nadler disagreed. He remarked, “The resolution states that all anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism. That’s intellectually disingenuous or factually wrong… The authors, if they were at all familiar with Jewish history and culture, should know about Jewish anti-Zionism that was and is expressly not anti-Semitic.”

Nadler invoked the beliefs of Satmar Chassidim in his argument.



  1. even satmar dont wigh they should be annihilaredeven the rebbe who was against the establishing a state, said that a non jew who is againt the state of israel then its because of anti- se

    it was in the 60 s when humphery was running so they told not to talk about israel and on that the rebb said that

    so mr nadler who is the real soine yisroal check your (un) facts

  2. 1) Someone needs to remind him of the Holy Divrei Yoel’s conversation with Hubert H. Humphrey.

    2) Arguably, among Torah-knowledgeable Jews, there is a great difference between the two. But JUST AS ARGUABLY is that no fully Torah-Observant Jew would hate ANY Jew based on his/her political views; even those which due to ignorance goes against the Torah. There are many confirmed stories of the Great Satmar Rebbe’s love and support of all Yidden!

    3) Unfortunately, and quite ironically (and very sadly), Representative Nadler is using a Torah truth to bolster his own anti-Israel philosophy. Arguably this is all to bolster his own political support and that of his BLM and PA supported party. He, too, can be included in our daily, fervently recited, tefilah of Acheinu kol Beis Yisroel.

  3. If someone can, in any way, equate an anti-Zionism that calls for non-recognition of the political entity of the State of Israel versus another anti-Zionism that calls for rape and genocide, I think that person needs a course in values clarification.

  4. Jerry, it’s a package deal. If you want to be a “non anti Semitic anti Zionist” you need a streimel. When are you buying yours?

  5. He can jump from an airplane without a parachute. Though I’m not all that sure Reb Yoel ZATZAL would agree with that sentiment either.

  6. He’s wrong. They are not anti zionism. They are against the usage of zionism as it’s politicized. We mention Zion and the want for zion in davening regularly. We use zion and the concept of zionism in a torah way. They use it for politics. The politics of zionism is anti torah, not being zionist. If you understand the difference good. If not, you’re more than likely somewhat illiterate. It’s similar to someone saying a lie but doesn’t necessarily have to be a liar. Basically, if someone believes some thing to be true but it’s false and they repeat ot, they have told a lie but they are not always a liar.

  7. This guy doesn’t want a Jewish state to exist, supported Obama’s billions to Iran, didn’t want Biden to meet with Bibi’s government, supported anti judicial violent protests and supports all immoral leftist radical causes.

  8. Well, his mind has warped. He’s an A-1 Rodef. Jerry Boychik, you apply the hair color, you don’t sniff it

  9. The man is a rasha and a rodef, however, I have to admit that he is right. Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitism. There are non Jews especially non Jewish podcasters that are against the Zionist govt but have respect for Judaism. Unfortunately , sick people like BLM and antifa are using Zionism as a pass to express their antisemitism. They are too stupid to know the history of Zionism and why it was formed in the first place.


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