Watch: New ‘Tactical’ Kapotas With Easy Access To Weapon

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  1. The first guy doesn’t look Jewish and it’s taking him much too long to get the weapon out. Which chareidi wears a white shirt with black buttons.

      • we are and we know this happens when people feel comfortable within the land and when people trust their own strength and weapons. Are you familiar with Rosh Hashana?

      • If the yidden would of had guns/weapons then the holocaust would have been more worse. Also if the world would of seen us as attacking the Germans then we would of not gotten Israel.
        Everyone knows Israel was a reward/supplication for the 6 mil.

  2. Dear G and the rest of the fakers, I will take your “not a Jewish way” argument seriously when you show the same level of “emuna” towards money matters as you do towards saving Jewish lives from physical assaults. If you are not clinically insane, you should understand that the Jewish lives deserve at least as much hishtadlus as your money. Instead, the crooked kops like you, go above and beyond when it comes to money, but claim to be great baalei emuna when it comes to Jewish safety from assaults. That’s not emuna, that’s rishus, pure and simple.

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