Watch: NY Dem Slams De Blasio As ‘Pitiful’: City Will Be Better Off Without Him

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New York Democrat Rep. Max Rose slams Mayor Bill de Blasio’s poor policy on city lockdowns.


  1. Some people are beginning to wake up! I sincerely hope that our Yidden will also wake up and see that the DemocRATs are not our friends or allies. They back stab us and each other. They are so politically correct that they are incorrect on most issues. Help drain the swamp. Vote for Republicans.

  2. California Doctor Says ‘Unprecedented’ Number Of Suicides Are Outpacing Coronavirus Deaths
    By Jim Hayek May 23, 2020
    Doctors at a California hospital are reporting more deaths by suicide than coronavirus during the stay-at-home orders, and one doctor is calling the influx of suicide deaths “unprecedented,” according to ABC 7.
    John Muir Medical Center in Walnut Creek, in the East Bay region of San Francisco Bay Area, has seen a “year’s worth of suicide attempts in the last four weeks,” the head of the trauma department, Dr. Mike deBoisblanc told ABC 7.
    “We’ve never seen numbers like this, in such a short period of time,” he said.
    Mental health is suffering so much during the stay-at-home period implemented due to coronavirus that he’s calling for an end to the orders.
    “Personally I think it’s time,” said Dr. Mike deBoisblanc. “I think, originally, this (the shelter-in-place order) was put in place to flatten the curve and to make sure hospitals have the resources to take care of COVID patients.We have the current resources to do that and our other community health is suffering.”
    Kacey Hansen, a trauma nurse who’s worked at the hospital for almost 33 years, also told ABC 7 that they’re seeing an unprecedented number of suicide attempts.
    As many as 75,000 Americans could die from drug or alcohol misuse and suicide as a result of the pandemic, the national public health group Well Being Trust reported in a study.
    The lack of a definitive end date to the stay-at-home orders and other restrictions along with mass unemployment and additional stress could significantly exacerbate the number of “deaths of despair.”
    “Undeniably policymakers must place a large focus on mitigating the effects of COVID. However, if the country continues to ignore the collateral damage—specifically our nation’s mental health—we will not come out of this stronger,” Benjamin Miller, WBT’s chief strategy officer warned.
    Both Hansen and deBoisblanc say it’s mostly young adults who are dying by suicide, often following the anxiety and stress that isolation and job loss can cause.
    As people are disconnected with their usual networks of support, which includes churches, schools, and clubs, they may feel alone and removed with such abrupt disruptions to normal routines.
    The hospital is supportive of the shelter-in-place orders, according to a statement given to ABC 7, while acknowledging staff may have different opinions.

  3. Proof that the lockdown has nothing to do with corona sickness since only big businesses can afford police and guards to secure their place (from corona criminals out for revenge). This is why they are refusing small “non-essential” businesses to open up.

  4. Rose is a Democratic poseur who works for Pelosi one day and talks tough another day. He voted to impeach President Trump after a lot of hemming and hawing. His seat, largely on Staten Island, is liable to go Republican, so he needs a PR offensive. Don’t get fooled again!

  5. Don’t let Max Rose fool you.
    He’s a shameless impeacher in with the AOC crowd.
    In November vote Nicole Malliotakis. She’s running against him.


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