WATCH: Oops: Yerushalayim Police Assault Chareidi – Only for Him to Turn Out to Be a Known Lawyer

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Dov Frankel, a prominent chareidi attorney belonging to the Toldos Aharon chassidus, was attacked by police on Motzoei Shabbos two weeks ago, as shown in a shocking video that you can see below.

When the police tossed the tallis-wearing man across the street of Meah Shearim, they apparently thought that they had found some hapless, helpless Yerushalmi chareidi. What they didn’t know WAS that they were abusing an experienced attorney well known in legal circles.

Oops. Not the guy you want to illegally assault.

Frankel has explained why he was in the street at that time. “I came back from my parents, who are at risk,” he said. “They keep the guidelines, stay home and do not go out, but my father is a cancer patient who needs personal care. I went to help him, because my children and grandchildren don’t leave our home, maintaining proper social distancing to keep everyone healthy. On the way back, I was on Rechov Meah She’arim near the Toldos Aharon Beis Medrash.”

At that point, the officers walked up to him from behind, slammed him forward, sending him flying face first to the ground. The cruel, abusing cops then just continued walking.

Frankel was not aware while he was returning home that the police were in Meah Shearim. “If I had, and if I thought I should be worried, I would have stayed where I was and not gone back home then. But I didn’t know. And as I was walking, suddenly I felt myself being tossed in the air and onto the floor.”

Watch the horrific video here:

Watch Frankel discussing the incident:

{ Israel}


    • not much of a question.
      they , in tol. ahron and others have minhag to wear talaissim on shabbes and yom tov nites

    • You’re right. The thugs should leave Mea Shearim and never come back. Let the chareidi police themselves and deal with crime.

      • you got this all wrong buddy, it was the cops who started up with the meah she’arim-nicks and their way of life, these people calling out nazi to these “cops” are because these “cops” have been hounding them since the advent of zionism. The meah shearim people had their minhagim and methods before the founding of the state. Along came the state and attempted to impose their policies, quite forcefully, on people who had no desire to be included.
        There is a famous story of 2 zionists bursting into the home of R’ Yosef Chaim Zonnenfeld and threatening to shoot him.
        So to you i suggest being Dan Lekaf Zechus shomrei torah umitzvos, not hateful apikorsim

  1. These abusing “cops” have finally been exposed for what they’ve been all along. They should sit for life. Let’s see now how the self haters will defend them and blast good ehrliche people…

    • that is probably the answer to the question right, your a real smart cookie with extra chocolate chips, your just screaming it out there cuz we simple, regular content cholate-chip guys dont get it, if we would have the answer to that question we would realize that it really WAS the Chassids fault! thanx for helping!

  2. As one that passes meah shearim a lot I will say this. There are a few extreme pple that you will find often protesting and misbehaving as a shita. BUT! The narrowminded secular media do not diffrentiate between those pple and so many like this lawyer that follow rules and are normal law abiding citizens. They were watchdogging a community that has an extremely low rate of coronavirus patients. They used excessive force which mustve been a preplanned protocal in order for them to combat this BAD community. Complete excessive force. As we see in this video ; this man is completely innocent and the way and style these police treated him literally walking on is unacceptable. This is not the only instance; the little girl who got hit with a grenade and other stories… Its always very easy to judge this community but thank goodness there are cameras all over the place now and these police will hopefully be held accountable. And lets not forget; all this excessive patrolling while in the chiloni areas they were strolling in the park. Something is obviously not adding up!

  3. I used to be one of those American Chareidim who thought the Chareidim in EY exaggerated regarding their unfair treatment by the chiloni society. But on my most recent trip to EY, I saw with my own eyes how vile and hateful some of these chilonim are. My own experience with one such chiloni left me feeling disturbed and heartbroken. And sadly, it has changed the way I see things in EY.

  4. Tragically there is no law and order in Israel; This is 1 of the main reasons I have not made Aliya, but have remained in the Diaspora in a country there there is civil law & order.

    • ummmmm… not sure there’s civil law and order as of late in the states.
      Israel is definitely in galus but as one that DID make aliya; Im glad I did. Nothing like life here

  5. Such shameful lying comments about Eretz Yisrael and toshve’hu here.
    You’re using this incident to pour your hate and propaganda like anti- Semites. There is so mu ch good there, yet you choose this time of an eis tzarah to slander and demean our one and only Holy Land.
    And you call yourselves frum ???

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