Watch: Pastor Kicks Out Police Trying To Shut Down His Service

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  1. No no no. This Pastor is causing aiva and a terrible chillul Hashem! He’s a rodef and a rotziach. We must be maaser on him. And then we wonder why the goyim hate us.

  2. Kudos to the pastor for standing up to those bullies. The day freedom of religion is taken away from us is the day the world goes completely to the dogs.

  3. we dont ‘tear for them’; we tear for ourselves. we have had many problems of this sort for this year. america was originally settled by people who were seeking freedom of religion. now this country is preaching freedom from religion. the america i grew up in has disappeared

  4. Halivuy, unsera wouldn’t of folded like a cheap camera and stood with pride for kvod shomayim. The obedient jew has always caused the most tzaros in kllal yisroel. Will we ever get out of the gullible sheep mentality? Our Shuls and Yeshivos should of NEVER closed! Weak kneed Jinos. Sad.


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