If shuls and private businesses are closed while government employees are working, criminals are released from prison, liquor stores are open as have most malls and beaches, it’s not about your health. Since when does the govt care about your health?
Not only shuls but all houses of worship. President Trump’s goal was to save the children. Not only rescuing them from beneath 100s of tunnels but from other places too… Like the Vatican, basements of tifless globally need a good bedikas chometz. So in order not to discriminate against ‘them’ and make it obvious, shuls had to be closed too. Comprendo?
Not only shuls but all houses of worship. President Trump’s goal was to save the children. Not only rescuing them from beneath 100s of tunnels but from other places too… Like the Vatican, basements of tifless globally need a good bedikas chometz. So in order not to discriminate against ‘them’ and make it obvious, shuls had to be closed too. Comprendo?
If shuls and private businesses are closed while government employees are working, criminals are released from prison, liquor stores are open as have most malls and beaches, it’s not about your health. Since when does the govt care about your health?
Not only shuls but all houses of worship. President Trump’s goal was to save the children. Not only rescuing them from beneath 100s of tunnels but from other places too… Like the Vatican, basements of tifless globally need a good bedikas chometz. So in order not to discriminate against ‘them’ and make it obvious, shuls had to be closed too. Comprendo?
Wait till he catches it…
Dumb dumb dumb.
Israel did it better
Dr. Ditchik disagrees with the Mayor. They better iron out their differences first.
Not only shuls but all houses of worship. President Trump’s goal was to save the children. Not only rescuing them from beneath 100s of tunnels but from other places too… Like the Vatican, basements of tifless globally need a good bedikas chometz. So in order not to discriminate against ‘them’ and make it obvious, shuls had to be closed too. Comprendo?