Watch: Students of the Jersey City Satmar Talmud Torah Return to Their Cheder’s Building Six Days After the Domestic Terror Shooting

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    • I guess you would say the same thing about an hachnasas sefer torah or kiddush livana. Everything should be done inside. Maybe we should just dissapear completely. You idiot.

  1. Anonymous: If they hate you, they hate you. Read about Trustee Joan Terell elsewhere on Matzav. She believes that the shooters were justified because Jews are pushing blacks out… She doesn’t want us to exist altogether. We’re taking benefits and space that is exclusively for her people.
    BTW: This sound was a lot more pleasant than the ear splitting rock n roll that usually rocks the neighborhood.

  2. We dont have rights like everyone else , that’s why these bad things happen because yidden take over towns and neighborhoods. They make a noise and goyim hate it. We are in golus and should keep a low profile
    And yes who says you need to make processions in the streets? We dont own this country

    • Oh, so those pesky chasids have now taken over and are now the majority? I never knew that. They kicked out all the blacks? Seriously?
      “Procession in the streets”
      What? Dancing in a small circle in front of a building they own or rent for 5 minutes is considered a nuisance? That’s called taking over? That’s called “in your face”? That’s called getting too comfortable in galus? You’re nuts. Why don’t you go back into your private mansion in your Lakewood cul-de-sac and finish that tray of sushi. Me thinks you are jealous of the simple lifestyle these Yidden live by.

  3. To Anonymous: Are you a closet antisemite, ashamed of Judaism or feel guilt in the practice of Jewish customs? Yes, we are still in Golus. However, we contribute to the local economy and help raise the standard of living of the hosting community. We earned the rights given to us by the hosting government and should not be ashamed to exercise it. If you find that problematic, you have a real problem. If a Black or Mexican would do that, you would probably be very supportive.

    In the olden days, we would call such a person “A Yiddishe Anti-Semite”.

  4. To Anonymous:

    Well said. We are in ‘Golus’; even in ‘free’ America. “Esav hates Yaakov”; from time immemorial.
    See Rashi: Vayishlach; 33:4.
    We don’t need to give the ‘Goyim’ a “Pischon Pey”.

    • Excellent point. I will no longer wear my yarlmuka when I leave my house. I will make sure my tzitzis are completely tucked in and hidden. I will no longer walk into a kosher store. I will start eating pork and bacon. I will shave off my payos. In this way the gentile’s will never guess that I’m a Jew. Hey, it worked in Germany. It is well known that Hitler only killed those Orthodox Jews. The non religious and intermarried ones he left alone.
      Will you join me please?

  5. PEDO-DMD. Please try and hide the fact that you’re even Jewish. Obviously, it’s nothing but an embarrassment to you. Perhaps a massive siyum Hashas is also a “pischon pey”??
    Our existence is a “pischon pey”. Period.

    Yes. As you say, WE ARE IN GALUS!!! Manners and mentchlichkeit are imperative, but it won’t help everything because THEY hate YOU.

    From a polite Englishwoman who does her best to make a Kiddush Hashem and has felt anti-Semtism regardless of all her efforts.


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