WATCH THIS: NYC Highway Shut Down for Escort of Rav Zalman Leib Teitelbaum of Satmar as He Heads to Eretz Yisroel

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  1. Let the singing begin! Here come the bashers. Let the bad mouthing begin. All you hiding behind your computers, posting anonymous. The alter rebbe once said, We Yiddin don’t elevate ourselves by stepping on others but rather by getting up on a chair! Elevate yourself without stepping on other yiddin no matter if YOU approve of their behavior.

  2. we Brag about our political capital and every Community has an amount
    this is what we spend it on instead of using for important issues of substance

  3. Ridiculous! While I won’t scream that this causes anti-semitism, cause let’s face the facts, the goyim that hate us will hate us regardless. The issue is that we are shmeering this in their faces and we are still in galus.

  4. They waste their political capital on things like this and getting bike lanes removed.
    Then when Chassidim are being attacked and beaten on the streets and no-one in the government cares. They wonder, Why?

  5. What is the point of this nonsense? Why not just go to the airport and hop on the plane like any other person, including gedolim. Why is it necessary to close streets and attract a whole lot of attention and inconvenience your neighbors, just to get to the airport? I really don’t get it.

  6. Yes. There is a big emergency. But instead of cops, we need a lot of ambulances to treat the ill who suffer from severe boredom and/or immaturity.

  7. To put it mildly, I’m no Satmar Chosid but don’t waste your criticism quota on a thing like this (actually I’m confident the complainers/kvetchers/criticizers here have unlimited criticism quota anyhow so they have no concerns of using it up)

    If it was some other ethnic group making a festival and momentarily closing off the entrance to the BQE no one would think twice about it. No one would be talking online about how terrible that group is etc.

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