Watch This: Shul Prepares for Minyan Setup Upon Reopening on Memorial Day

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  1. No need to make the minyanim in the parking lot. You’re allowed to make them indoors, with a 15 people max per minyan. Our Shul being large in size, are allowing 20 people per floor. There is more than ample room for everyone to be at least 10 feet from each other. Rabbosi, let’s return to our batei mikdash miat.

  2. Why would any Jew give so much honor for “Memorial Day’? Which YomTov is Memorial Day anyhow? I don’t find it in my Jewish calendar. Is it Tisha b’Av, remembering the 2 Bais Hamikdash? Pesach yetzias Mitzrayim? Shvuos the Torah?

    • He’s not telling you to celebrate Memorial Day you fool. He is identifying the particular day that they will be allowed to pray again with a minyan. And that day, in the common parlance of the medina, is called Memorial Day! Now get a life!

    • Not in Israel where you may go to the beach but not allowed to pray. Just like they’re allowed to protest but no prayers during the protests.

  3. The absurdity of it all….”We are not praying here, we are experimenting for when it becomes legal”. In other words, if they start saying Ashrei, it is illegal even if they are sitting in the same place. How absurd! Kick out all the democratic governors, senators, congressmen until sanity returns to America. All they want to do is CONTROL….Nothing to do with public health. This is a dangerous precedent.

  4. How do they pick and choose who will he able to go to these minyanim and who will stay home? Lottery? Alphabetical order?

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