Watch: Tucker: Biden Has No Active Role In Running The Government

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  1. Nothing new. Commentators on here have been saying likewise almost every day but the readers have a hard time believing it. Even Tucker said it in Nov. 2020 but more explicitly: “Joe Biden is a hologram who doesn’t actually exist… In fact, it’s becoming clear there is no Joe Biden. The man you may remember from the 1980s is gone. He no longer exists.”

  2. Tucker Carlson is a tool of our adversaries. Every-time he says something like the above the Russian trolls amplify it. The hatred toward Biden who is the current President of the United States amplified on this forum is no different than what Putin is doing.

    • If Biden is President, why doesn’t he resemble the original Biden who was VP? It has nothing to do with hating Biden who is definitely not president, Tucker is just trying to awaken the sleepers who are blindly following mainstream brainwashing before the awakening will be forced upon you.

  3. The reporter who wrote the false New York Post story about the Harris book tweets that she has resigned from the paper after having been “ordered to write” the inaccurate article

  4. The reporter who wrote the false New York Post story about the Harris book tweets that she has resigned from the paper after having been “ordered to write” the inaccurate article. Please less Fox News and more real news.

    • Wow!
      That sounds crazy, but if you Google “Laura Italiano” (the reporter’s name) you’ll see it’s true. Unbelievable.

      This is as bad as or worse than the distortions and suppressions that we conservatives holler about when it’s the left-leaning media outlets doing it.

  5. Tucker Carlson is a modern reincarnation of the Biblical donkey who opened it’s mouth to speak!!
    Akin to the Hero he worships, our Former (thank G-D) President; Donald J. Trump.


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