Watch: Why Do The Rabbonim Get Involved In Elections? Isn’t It My Personal Issue?

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Why do the rabbonim get involved in elections? Isn’t it my personal issue?

See the answer from Maran Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch to MK Rav Yitzchok Pindrus.


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  1. This should have been the headline on Matzav:
    BREAKING: Maran Hagaon Harav Moshe Hillel Hirsh shlit’a Endorses Lee Zeldin for governor of NY!
    B’H another Gadol Hador has come out with an endorsement on the republican candidate!

    • Zeldin, a Jew, is Intermarried to a shiktza goy. Zeldin’s choice for Lt. Governor is an open mishgav zachornik.

      “Alison Esposito, the New York Republican party’s lieutenant governor candidate of choice, opened up in a new interview about being its first openly gay candidate, steadfastly saying, “It can happen.”

      The former NYPD deputy inspector spoke publicly for the first time about her history-making run as Long Island Rep. Lee Zeldin’s running mate.”

      Pheh! Disgusting! This so-called Republican is NO kvod shomayim!

      • Have it your way. Vote for the Democratic candidate, and next year your kids can learn the state curriculum on toeivah lifestyles in their cheders.

      • LOL, what is your point?
        So Zeldin is not anti ‘mishgav zachar’?
        That he himself is not ‘amecha’?

        IN THAT ASPECT the democrats are worse,
        the DIFFERENCE is that Zeldin supports peoples autonomy while Hochul want to FORCE THAT STUFF ON YOU!!!

      • We are picking ppl to get the job done, not by who they married. Trumps character leaves a lot to be desired. We choose people who can lead and get the job done. No big shakes any of the Presidents, perhaps Reagan and a few decent ones. We need our country back in order. Thats all that matters!

  2. Amazing discussion!
    I’m personally perplexed! Isn’t Pindrus an Israeli? He speaks English like a New Yorker! And, further, isn’t Harav Moshe Hillel Hirsh the Rosh Yeshiva of Slabodka? How does he know English so well? How is he so amazingly up to date with the NY race for governor? It’s fascinating! No?

    • His father is American and on faculty of Ohr Same’ach
      Indeed Americans, who Israelis for so many decades belittled!, managed to accomplish quite a stellar bit and are the ones upholding society there

    • Pindrus is the son of Americans who grew up in an English speaking neighborhood in Yerusholayim, and English was spoken in their home. Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch grew up in America, though I don’t know if he was born there and at what age he came to Eretz Yisroel. Since they are both addresses for English speakers, they are of necessity up to date on what’s going on, as much as required. (No need to know Hochul’s first name, for example, or C. Rice’s nationality.)

  3. As the Torah is our life, our Rabbanim representing Torah have every right to endorse if they choose to. Honestly any individual may publicly endorse a candidate. Free country and all. Endorsing is not forcing. You enter the booth alone, vote as you wish, and Hashem still runs the world.

    • Very well put.
      I take a rav’s endorsement as the opinion of someone who’s intelligent, informed and has s’yata d’shmaya assisting him, but not as a psak or as an imperative command. Sometimes different rabonim have differing opinions based on their communities’ priorities or other factors, as is the case in the upcoming NY gubernatorial election.

  4. Till now the government just gave out free money to the Yidden. Now they want to break our Yeshiva system and force teaching toavah to our young. This is the same as the Romans and Greeks. Do you want another Misyavnim or worse??? At least Zelden will leave alone our Yeshivas. A deal can be worked out with him to leave our program funding alone and we should not violate our Torah.

    Vote Zeldin down the line!!!

    • In the schools providing a decent education there has never been an attempt or interest in changing the school. But somehow you know asking the underperforming schools to perform is really an evil plan to “Break” the Yeshiva system & teach Toevah. What is this knowledge you have based on when there’s zero history of it ever happening?

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