‘Welcome to Obamaville’ Sign At Homeless Tent City

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obamavilleA sign reading “Welcome to Obamaville – Colorado’s Fastest Growing Community” appeared at a homeless tent city in Colorado Springs this past week. You probably didn’t hear about it because outside of two Colorado television stations nobody found this newsworthy.

By contrast, when word got out in March of a tent city in Sacramento, California, news media couldn’t get enough of the story.

Is it because that happened so soon after Inauguration Day that it could easily be blamed on George W. Bush, and that given the name given to this area that’s no longer possible? Who knows.

According to LexisNexis and Google news searches, only KRDO and KJCT reported the appearance of this sign.

By contrast, Sacramento’s tent city garnered much national coverage in March. In fact, according to LexisNexis, television news outlets ABC, CBS, CNN, and NBC all covered it.

So did the Associated Press, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and Slate.

Yet not a peep about Obamaville.

Exit question: If the Colorado Springs tent city sign read “Welcome to Bushville,” do you think it would get more media attention?

Yes, that’s a rhetorical question.

To watch a video report about the Obamaville Tent City, click below:

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{Noam Amdurski-Matzav.com Newscenter}


  1. The Sacramento CBS affiliate covering the tent city story in March did refer to it as “Obamaville”. But please, don’t let the facts interfere with your rhetoric about media bias.

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