What Makes South Florida a Great Place to Live?

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Around 900 people are moving into Florida every day, with more individuals coming in than going out. Migration started rising, especially in the last 2-3 years, and we can’t help but wonder: what makes this area so special?

When we think about South Florida, many attractive benefits come into our minds. We think of the warm weather, the beautiful beaches, and the gorgeous sunsets. But how much of what we know is true? Does it apply to South Florida as well?

Deciding to move is not easy, but Florida has a lot to offer. If you are still on the fence about whether to move here or not, the following benefits should help. This way, you can come to a decision much faster.

South Florida Has Gorgeous Weather

Do you live in a cold state such as Alaska or North Dakota? Are you tired of your eyelashes freezing each time you go out on a stroll during winter? Do you crave the warmth of the sun when summer is gone? In that case, you might like the climate of South Florida. 

This area gets around 200 days of sunshine per year. You can get a good dose of Vitamin D straight from the sun and you will also enjoy mild weather. Winters are very comfortable as well since you will only need a sweater or a jacket. A home on the coast will make you feel like you are on a continuous vacation, even if you are still working. 

South Florida Has No State Income Tax

Taxes are the bane of everyone’s lifestyle. In California, for example, the state income tax can go as high as 12.3%. This is not the case with South Florida, as it does not have a state income tax. The only things you need to worry about here are the property taxes and the sales tax. Even so, these taxes are much lower compared to other states. This will help you save money in the long run. You may direct those funds towards the things you love, such as a well-earned vacation.

Housing Is Affordable

Depending on where you want to move, you may easily find cheap homes for sale in Florida. For example, the average price for a home in Jacksonville is around $279,000, whereas Tallahassee has houses for sale at around $249,900. The price of the house will depend on the area that you plan on moving into. Coastal cities such as Miami are much more expensive, as they gather more tourists. Florida is also becoming increasingly popular, which means a house in a central city can fetch a high price in the future. However, going to smaller cities can give you access to fair-priced homes.

Active Nightlife

If you thought that Florida was boring, you couldn’t be any farther from the truth. In fact, the nightlife in South Florida is thriving. The bigger the city, the better the nightlife – but even small cities have their pick. Whether you are into exotic clubs, fine dining, or exquisite venues, South Florida has it all. Concerts of all types are held every month or week, and so are theater performances. Also, if you want to take your significant other on a date, there are many restaurants where you can enjoy a gourmet meal.

Relaxed Community

Nightlife may be thriving, but this does not mean the cities are fast-paced and loud. In fact, many people are retiring to Florida because of the tranquility. Traffic is not as bad as in other cities or states, and you can get through your day without the added stress. Once more, this will depend on the area that you move into. The bigger the city, the faster the pace will be. That being said, even Miami is not as fast paced as New York or Las Vegas. It’s a good place for healthy stress levels. People are also more laidback, as you will see more people in casual attire than formal wear.

Beautiful Sceneries

Perhaps this is the thing that people love the most about South Florida: the beautiful scenery. There are many natural beauties out there that you can enjoy, from the impressive green inland to the stunning coastlines.

Florida also has the everglades, which is a stunning site in itself. You can easily go to the beach regardless of where you live, as there are plenty of them to go by. Some are more populated and with more amenities, but if you are looking for some peace and quiet, there is a selection of secluded beaches as well. 

The Bottom Line

South Florida has a lot to offer if you are looking for comfort and opportunities. Moving to this area can feel like a lifelong vacation, where everything you need is within reach.


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