When a Jew Was Murdered, Where Was All the Rioting and Looting?

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    • You could bet your bottom dollar that if this would have been the other way around not involving police just a regular white lynching blacks that cities would burn.

      • I don’t believe there were any riots when a white supremacist shot and killed 9 blacks in a Charleston church.
        Your narrative is false.

    • I agree with “anonymous” – the streets would burn with the demand that the perpetrator(s) fry in the electric chair. In fact, have you ever heard of the Crown Heights Riots – all from a single vehicular accident that had no police/government involvement. And you are ignoring another key point – the police were legitimately arresting, with good cause, a suspected criminal who was behaving erratically long before the police arrived (the original 911 call described the suspect as “awfully drunk and he’s not in control of himself.”)

      But here is the real point in the current riots. The rioters are burning down their own black owned business, and Native American centers, and libraries, and low-cost housing projects ad infinitum.

  1. Advocate rioting and looting in response to a murder? And let me add that it would be despicable, but somehow logical, that “demonstrators” would seek to lynch Chauvin, but no, their violence is directed towards other people and their properties, innocent people with no connection to the incident. What sort of person would think Jews are like that?

    • What sort of person would think Jews are like that?

      Exactly. Jews are not like that. And thats precisely the point of this post

  2. there are unfortunately too may cases where whites ( ex. Pittsburgh) target Jews. Why didn’t the writer mention these examples.

    • Because the topic is the riots. Whites do not riot when a Black police officer kills a White person. For example, on 15 July 2017, in this very same Minneapolis police force where the current incident occurred, a black police officer shot and killed a dual American-Australian White woman named Justine Damond Ruszczyk. She was an unarmed yoga-instructor, barefoot and in her pajamas at the time.

    • You do know that the rioters are mostly white,look at the pictures.

      The looting is primarily being done by whites.

      This is being orchestrated

      • Agreed. If you analyze the situation, what’s most troubling, is that these WHITE liberal Joe Biden voters are trying to out black the blacks. This is a black cause, not a white one. These stupid brain dead liberal whites think they are going to curry favor by acting like the blacks. What they don’t understand is that the blacks view them as their number one enemy. Rich white elitists are the cause of their suffering. It’s only a matter of time before the blacks turn on these white liberals. It’s the exact same thing with the neturie karta and the Palestinians. The Palestinians hate the NK more than the average Israeli. They’re just using them now for the useful idiots that they are. Given the first opportunity, the NK will be the first Jews they will slaughter. The whites who are looting & rioting with their black brothers are being used and had.

    • And your comment is why children should actually be educated in yeshivas – preferably by people with educations. Because THIS – all of this – is the lack of empathy, learning the history of the world, and understanding. It’s what you gain with an education.

  3. Only black lives matter.
    Or, if you’re white and rioting for the BLM cause that’s also okay!
    Racism is only unacceptable against criminals, not regular law abiding citizens!

  4. Most attack in New York were by blacks. We deserve what we get. We elect liberal democRATs and we cry. Wake up. And most of us don’t vote or even registered to vote.

  5. What a foolish comparison, not to advocate for the ridiculous riots but this was a police officer that did this not some lunatic person. If the police had done that to a Jew there would be a huge outrage.

  6. Read, understand, internalize!!!

    כלי יקר דברים ב:ג

    רב לכם סב את ההר הזה. רבים אומרים כי פסוק זה נוקב ויורד עד תהום ויש בו רמז לשעה ולדורות, וענין סבוב זה שילכו סחור לכרם ה’ צבאות לא יקרבו, כי ימים רבים לישראל שהיו נדים ונעים סביבו ולא יותן לישראל כח עליהם עד מדרך כף רגל, עד שיבא מי שנאמר בו ועמדו רגליו ביום ההוא על הר הזיתים (זכריה יד ד) וכל זמן שישראל הולכים סחור סחור נאמר להם פנו לכם צפונה ודרשו בזה אם הגיע שעתו של עשו הצפינו עצמכם (דב”ר א יט).

    וענין הצפנה זו נ”ל, שאם ימצא האיש הישראלי בגלות החל הזה איזו הצלחה זעיר שם, אז יטמינו ויצפינו הכל בפני עשו כי אין לך אומה שמתקנאת בישראל כמו עשו, כי לדעתם הכל גזולה בידם מהם מן ברכת יעקב אבינו שלקח ברכותיו של עשו במרמה, וכן יעקב צוה לבניו למה תתראו (בראשית מב א) פירש רש”י בפני בני ישמעאל ועשו כאילו אתם שבעים כי שניהם סוברים שיצחק גזל הצלחת ישמעאל, ויעקב גזל הצלחת עשו ע”י השתדלות, ע”כ צוה דוקא על עשו פנו לכם צפונה שלא יתקנא בכם. וזה הפך ממה שישראל עושין בדורות הללו בארצות אויביהם, כי מי שיש לו מנה הוא מראה את עצמו במלבושי כבוד ובתים ספונים וחשובים כאילו היו לו כמה אלפים ומגרים האומות בעצמם ועוברים על מה שנאמר פנו לכם צפונה. ומנהג זה הוא ברבת בני עמינו והוא המסבב את כל התלאה אשר מצאתנו. והמשכילים יבינו ליקח מוסר.

  7. The ambulance clip proves it’s all a show, a setup. I doubt he’s dead.

  8. This posting is tone-deaf. The rioting is because a black man was killed by police. When black people are killed by other civilians it is just a statistic (stating a fact, not an opinion). When a Jew was killed by a black man, as unfortunate and despicable as it was, the act was not carried out by a member of the authorities. There is no reason to expect the reactions to be similar. Are we so unintelligent as to not realize the difference?

  9. No comparison…..In the Monsey case the person was not niftar immediately from the attack. Secondly, we are a more sensible and mannered people who realize looting businesses and destroying property would not help the niftar.

  10. Its only a matter of time. White learn very quickly from none white how to acquire new freebies. And the non whites have watched the whites and learned how to get free rent etc.

  11. Your mistake is that it is not the blacks who are rioting. There are many many respectable african americans who have made something of themselves and are fine upstanding citizens. Its the rioters who are rioting. Who keep hearing the call of their altruistic leaders, like Al Sharpton, and can’t make anything out of themselves because then they would have to stop crying “victim”. How many Yidden came over to this country in the early part of the 1900s or after WWII with literally nothing and built malchus for themselves with real mesiras nefesh? I am not a racist. I also have no respect for a white person who doesn’t make anything of himself. Obama had the chance to make a real impact in this issue, and he dropped the ball SO BADLY. All he did was enable them even more. What an idiot.

  12. The title is among the stupidest comments I have heard. When someone does something wrong, you don’t ask, why don’t we be like that person. Why would we want to be? Are you trying to show how good we are because we don’t riot? Not rioting is normal. It’s not an act of mesiras nefesh. We, as Yidden, hopefully, will act normal. Those who riot when things don’t go their way are not acting normal.

  13. Blacks are the subject of constant abuse by the police. Did anybody notice that the police were arresting people for violating social distancing only in black communities?
    When was the last time a police officer simply murdered a yid on the street? And then the AG waited hours to arrest the murderer. If not for the protests/riots on the first day Chauvin would probably still be a free man.
    Fellow yidden, I’m sorry, but we haven’t been subject to the same treatment as the blacks have been. Get used to it. Yes, there have been anti-Semitic attacks, but not from the authorities.

    • I guess you never heard what happened to Gideon Bush. A Yid that was gunned down execution style, by 4 of NY’s finest, right in the heart of Boro Park. As we just experienced, it was MOSRIM that called the police that led to his direct death. Frum yidden that have blood on their hands.
      All those that were maaser on other Yidden who were going to Shuls and those who maasered on the Batei Kneisius themselves, are the worst Rishayim that exist. Their gehenom awaiting them is too much to bare.

  14. Are you really comparing a criminal murder, which was followed by an appropriate police and judicial system response, to a murder by the police, followed by practically zero response whatsoever?

    There’s a big difference between being attacked by citizens and be attacked by armed agents of the state.

  15. Been like this from time immemorial:
    “…The voice is the voice of Yaakov, but the hands are the hands of Eisov”. Genesis; 27:22.

  16. They are rioting because they are tired of being mistreated. We need to stand up when we are mistreated. And we need to remember that the people rioting in the streets were knocking off our skullcaps wantonly just a few months ago while their leaders were silent for the most part. So there is a problem with police violence, but it is hard to feel bad for these unfortunate victims while there is systematic anti-Semitism within their leadership that filters down to the masses….

  17. When Gideon Bush was killed by the police in the Boro Park there were no vocal protests then either.

    However the frum relationship with the NYPD has soured enough between then and now that had it happened today there still would be no violent riots but the police would never get the benefit of the doubt like they did then anymore

    • exactly that came to mind also!
      just because they have guns doesnt mean they should use them automatically! if your scared for your life and cant handle your duties find another job!

  18. I agree 100%. There are many many respectable African Americans. They have nothing to do with these riots.

    President Obama made IMHO many mistakes but the African-American community never saw him as one of theirs, as he is not a descendant of slaves. I think he could have done better on other issues, but I am not sure about African-Americans. I surely would have done no better.

  19. I really, really did not want to see that picture of Rabbi Neumann’s injured face. You should put a warning up!! Stam kavod hameis should prevent you from publishing such a picture. What about children?

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