White House Evades the Petition: “Why We Can’t Comment On Rubashkin”

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rubashkinThe White House released the following statement:

Thank you for signing the petition “Call an Investigation into Allegations of Prosecutorial & JudicialMisconduct in the Case of Sholom Rubashkin.” We appreciate your participation in the We the People platform on WhiteHouse.gov.

As explained in the We the People Terms of Participation, the White House may at times decline to comment on certain specific matters properly within the jurisdiction of federal departments or agencies, federal courts, or state and local governments in its response to a petition. For important policy reasons, this includes specific law enforcement and judicial ethics matters. With respect to law enforcement matters, the Department of Justice is charged with investigating crime and enforcing our laws. The Department also has mechanisms in place to investigate allegations of prosecutorial misconduct, including through its Office of Professional Responsibility. With respect to judicial ethics matters, the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980 vests primary responsibility for investigating and adjudicating claims of judicial misconduct with the Judicial Branch.

This petition calls for an investigation into allegations of prosecutorial and judicial misconduct in the case of Sholom Rubashkin and for action to correct the “gross injustice” in his case. For the reasons given above, the White House declines to comment on matters raised by this petition.

{The White House}

{Matzav.com Newscenter}


  1. Mr. Obama, come out of your closet and smell the coffee. Your Justice Dept. blew this one, and they blew it big time. Have the guts to at least respond, you phony.

  2. The Cardinals won the World Series. Obama is too busy watching baseball to worry about such “important” things like justice in his country. But don’t worry. As Steve Jobs said, he’ll be a one-termer.

  3. “We appreciate your participation”

    No you don;t, you liars, because you would at least have the decency to respond and not to evade like this.

  4. The Fast and Furious affair has House Republicans have called for a special counsel to investigate Attorney General Eric Holder himself for possible perjury. Justice Department documents indicate that Holder knew of the operation way back in July 2010 far earlier than the “in the last few weeks” that he told Congress. Is Obama the genius investigating Holder or wasting his time sending out this meaningless Rubashkin response because he is gutless?

  5. In an email sent out on Motzei Shabbos, the White House responds to the Rubashkin petition.
    In an email sent out on Oct. 29 at 7:54 pm to those who signed the petition calling for an investigation into the Rubashkin case, the White House said they cannot comment on the matter.

    The petition currently has 52,226 signatures.

  6. They write: “As explained in the We the People Terms of Participation, the White House may at times decline to comment on certain specific matters properly within the jurisdiction of federal departments or agencies, federal courts, or state and local governments in its response to a petition. For important policy reasons, this includes specific law enforcement and judicial ethics matters. With respect to law enforcement matters, the Department of Justice is charged with investigating crime and enforcing our laws. The Department also has mechanisms in place to investigate allegations of prosecutorial misconduct, including through its Office of Professional Responsibility.”

    Please gimme a break… why does that preclude some sort of response? And will these other “departments” (sic) be issuing a response or is Obama and Co. just playing us for fools?…

  7. With the 2012 elections looming, the Obama administration will bury the scandal, any scandal,unless the media and public demand otherwise.

  8. You know what? I know some people are going to have choice comments about this post,however… Had the white house responded to another judicial ethics related petition then we’d be right to complain, but they have not. Bottom line, the terms and conditions are quite clear in that they will not respond to this type of petition. It is us who didn’t take the time to read it. – I’m no advocate for Obama or his administration – but you can’t complain about a non issue.

  9. this man has to go these 50ooo have to vote strongly in 2012 for Romney not sit at home and for now we have to ask the house for help witch is not currupt GOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

  10. Sad, but # 24 you are right! I read the regs relating to the “We, the People” and it is clear, just as you stated it! I think we do have an obligation to keep the issue alive; it is an election year and he may be forced into a corner! At least we showed the Ribonoi Shel Oilam that we do unite on behalf of other Yidden.
    52,226 is however a rather insignificant number of “US” Yidden! Why don’t we try to double or triple it in whatever other actioin we, as the AM HaShem do?

  11. Welcome to the USSR.

    And this is the biggest favor to the Rubashkin campaign, because Sholom Mordechai himself has told us to give away hishtadlus to others. We have tefilla and a Ribbono shel Olam

    Petition Him!!!

  12. Who is the na’ar who caused all the bitul torah of sending around the petition without first reading the terms and conditions?

    What a waste of time.

    And to all those people who slept through civics … unless you were asking for a presidential pardon why would you think that a petition to the president over-rides the constitutionally mandated separation of powers…
    and to all those complainers that its antisemitism – get off your victim bandwagon and learn to live within the laws of the country

  13. Honestly, out of the fifty thousand how many voted the president in? Is that what it’s all about – is that really any leverage? I don’t think so.

  14. #24 & #35 NO! The terms dont explain away this petition, seems like you only read the Term & Conditions but you didn’t read the petition itself.
    Did you see “7 Members of the House of Representatives, who have separately and independently written to Attorney General Eric Holder”
    and have gotten NO RESPONSE!!!
    Who should investigate this non-response, Eric Holder’s Justice Dept. should conduct an investigation on himself!?

  15. I despise this Obama-bashing when there is no sane reason for it.
    I have been saying before this petition went around that it won’t get us anywhere. Bush wouldn’t either have been able to comment on a judicial matter.
    We showed here that the cause has widespread support.That’s huge. But there’s nothing Obama can do about it, at least not until he’s officially asked for a pardon. Which he won’t be unless all judicial paths are tried and have failed.

  16. What’s the point of the petition system set up for the white house if as they say there is a system in place to deal with the issue, almost everything has a system in place!

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