The White House is contending opposition to its tax enforcement proposals, targeting amounts as small as $600, is based on banks being too lazy to deal with the extra paperwork.
The tax enforcement measures are aimed at helping pay for President Joe Biden’s social welfare and climate spending package. The focus is on the wealthy rather than people with small bank accounts, according to White House press secretary Jen Psaki.
“It should not be lost on anyone that the loudest opposition to these proposals and the biggest ad spending against them is from the biggest banks, who simply do not want to be bothered by additional reporting on inflows and outflows,” Psaki told reporters Monday.
“I would note that the top 1% is responsible for $163 billion a year in owed but unpaid taxes,” she added. “Let’s be clear what this is about. It’s about big banks deciding to protect the wealthiest Americans.”
Read more at Washington Examiner.
Let’s be clear. This situation can be compared to a thief who beats his victim and then blames the victim for resisting the theft. The White House is saying that people doing the normal thing of trying to protect their money from the insatiable appetite of the Federal Government is “criminal”.
Anything that evil witch says, run the other way and do the exact opposite. She is Satan reincarnated.
with dumb comments like that, that’s how her boss got into the White House – fear mongering, race baiiting, the old democrat platitudes about the rich, etc. And, that’s how this idiot becomes his spokesperson or whatever you want to call her
Incredibly stupid. Transactions of 600 dollars is enough to prompt an audit. That’s wealthy? How can she so brazenly lie to America? She needs another job, and a brain transplant. If they gave her one from a baboon, she might be less irritating.